Positional Eod stocks trade Update Daily

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Well-Known Member
Dear Zuma,

I just gone through your entire post. I find it impressive. Whatever be the trading system you are using/ following, I congratulate you for having it and making consistent profits.

Most importantly, you are sharing the performance since two years, which would motivate others also.

I suggest to keep the format of updation as:-


Your post has made curious to keep it on watch.

Best Wishes...


Active Member
not good day sl hit

ashoklay bought @ 46.50-----sl 50.80-----quantity 1075
thomsascook bought @ 158.20-----sl 174-----quantity 315
ksl Closed @ sl 163-----quantity 295 --- loss 1475
asahidndia bought @ 125-----sl 126-----quantity 400
hil closed @ sl 672 -----quantity 72----loss 1080
nrbbearing closed @ sl 134 -----quantity 365 ----loss 730
ccl @ 134.50 -----sl 137 -----quantity 370
koltepatil @ 205.50 -----sl 197 -----quantity 240
tatachem @ 424 -----sl 416 -----quantity 125
gppl Closed @ sl 169.50 -----quantity 285-----loss 1568
ahmedforge @423 ----- sl 456 ----- quantity 118
eicermotor @ 12990 ----- sl 13550 ----- quntity 4
iifl @ 179----- sl 175 -----quantity 280
kitex @ 556 -----sl 515 -----Quantity 90
dalmiabha @ 443 -----sl 478 -----quantity 112
hitachihome @ 683 -----sl 787-----quantity 73
Tidewater @15870 -----sl 14950 -----quantity 3
eveready @ 160 -----sl 147 -----quantity 312
aartidrug @ 814 -----sl 757 -----quantity 61
bajfinance @3100 -----sl 2955 -----quantity 16
ifbind @ 501 -----sl 460 -----quantity 99
ksl sl hit
hil sl hit
nrbearing sl hit
gppl sl hit

kindly note the changing of SL please
Last edited:


Active Member
ashoklay bought @ 46.50-----sl 50.80-----quantity 1075
thomsascook closed @ sl 174-----quantity 315----profit 4977
asahidndia Closed @ sl 126-----quantity 400----profit 400

ccl @ 134.50 -----sl 137 -----quantity 370
koltepatil @ 205.50 -----sl 198 -----quantity 240
tatachem @ 424 -----sl 418 -----quantity 125
ahmedforge Closed @ sl 456 ----- quantity 118---- profit 3894
eicermotor @ 12990 ----- sl 13550 ----- quntity 4
iifl @ 179----- sl 175 -----quantity 280
kitex @ 556 -----sl 515 -----Quantity 90
dalmiabha @ 443 -----sl 478 -----quantity 112
hitachihome @ 683 -----sl 787-----quantity 73
Tidewater @15870 -----sl 14950 -----quantity 3
eveready @ 160 -----sl 158 -----quantity 312
aartidrug @ 814 -----sl 757 -----quantity 61
bajfinance @3100 -----sl 2955 -----quantity 16
ifbind @ 501 -----sl 460 -----quantity 99
Excelindus @ 402 -----sl 372 -----quantity 124
Ceat @ 920 ----- sl 864 -----quantity 54
thomascook profit 4977
asahiind profit 400
ahemadforg profit 3894

kindly note the changing of SL please


Active Member
ashoklay closed @ sl 50.80-----quantity 1075 -----profit 4622
ccl @ 134.50 -----sl 137 -----quantity 370
koltepatil Closed @ sl 198 -----quantity 240----- loss 1800
tatachem @ Closed @ sl 418 -----quantity 125-----loss 750
eicermotor @ 12990 ----- sl 13550 ----- quntity 4
iifl Closed @ sl 175 -----quantity 280----- loss 1120
kitex @ 556 -----sl 515 -----Quantity 90
dalmiabha @ 443 -----sl 478 -----quantity 112
hitachihome CLosed @ sl 787-----quantity 73-----profit 7080
Tidewater @15870 -----sl 14950 -----quantity 3
eveready @ 160 -----sl 158 -----quantity 312
aartidrug @ 814 -----sl 757 -----quantity 61
bajfinance @3100 -----sl 2955 -----quantity 16
ifbind @ 501 -----sl 460 -----quantity 99
Excelindus @ 402 -----sl 372 -----quantity 124
Ceat @ 920 ----- sl 864 -----quantity 54
ashoklay profit 4622
koltepatil loss 1800
tatachem loss 750
iifl loss 1120

hitachihome profit 7080

kindly note the changing of SL please


Active Member
ccl @ 134.50 -----sl 137 -----quantity 370
eicermotor @ 12990 ----- sl 13550 ----- quntity 4
kitex @ 556 -----sl 515 -----Quantity 90
dalmiabha @ 443 -----sl 478 -----quantity 112
Tidewater @15870 -----sl 14950 -----quantity 3
eveready @ 160 -----sl 167 -----quantity 312
aartidrug @ 814 -----sl 757 -----quantity 61
bajfinance @3100 -----sl 2955 -----quantity 16
ifbind @ 501 -----sl 460 -----quantity 99
Excelindus @ 402 -----sl 372 -----quantity 124
Ceat @ 920 ----- sl 884 -----quantity 54
eveready up by 10%

kindly note the changing of SL please
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