price action trading


Well-Known Member

MEDIA: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues,
and captivated by matters of no real importance.

SCHOOLS: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics,
real law, and real history.

ENTERTAINMENT: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth grade level.
WORK: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.

WORK: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.

Media: How many of the ”impulses” from the media can you actually for anything positive in your Life? Are the impulses contributing to your further ascension and personal development or enriching your Life in any way? The attention is constantly being diverted away from the real issues locally to things far away which you have no chance of really knowing anything about and further more do anything about and this keeps you in a state of powerlessness.

Schools: How come children and young people seem to become more and more stupid day by day though they spend more time in schools – the so-called education system? Perhaps indoctrination is a better word since children are being conditioned to what they must think – not HOW to think right and what thinking actually means and includes. We ”teach” (indoctrinate) our children rather than making them understand the basics of life, and what fear is and where it comes from and how to deal with crisis, etc. Children and youngsters have especially during the 1990ies become extremely disconnected from life and today mobile phones, SMS, chatting, dating, being hooked to entertainment stuff on all channels seem to be the height of creativity for the majority.

Entertainment: In Danish the word entertainment means ”suppression” which
exactly describes ”the stupid Danes” as the Germans have called the Danes, but it really describes it all in one word. Junk food for thought is exactly what is going on big time and people just seem love these ”reality shows” where they can watch the so-called Life and live their lives through this rather than exploring and experiencing it themselves. TV is probably the best hypnotist of the world today besides of course the whole mobile telephone communcation system and other wireless technologies and broadcasting systems (including HAARP) designed to manipulate and control the frequencies of our brains so that we do not become too clever or wake up too much since then we see through all the illusions. TV makes our brain waves slow down and make us more vulnerable to be manipulated and actually induced directly into the subconscious without ever knowing what happened – it is difficult to describe but we see the result in the street and in the world – how come the majority is alike when they were supposed to be unique and individual expressions? Because they more or less have been primed by the same ”reality shows” on the hypnotizing or ”stupid box”. Suppression and disconnexion big time.

Work: Sorry, I have not got time... No, I am busy... It is really interesting to see how many people are reacting. Even when they are presented with hard core evidence and almost people are dropping down around them due to content of what they are being told, they still cannot see or or have time to think, since there are som many things in the world. Exactly – mainly ignorant people repeating exactly the same stupid comments which they have been programmed to from the television and media. This is the core of the case. People are for the majority really busy doing nothing since it mostly adds up in entertainment whether they like to hear the word or not. This planet does not take much to transform into the most beautiful Paradise ever experienced but only when people become what they really are and re-connect to their Path and not the perverse track of the manipulation and diversion strategy!!!

EXPLOIT PLEASE.......If you can :D


Well-Known Member
Every one know or think they know what market gona do next, all the targets, all the levels, all the EGO's. I am confident that trading is the best job/work/play of the current social-democracy system. Why? because its the only way to exploit masses if you are not a government employee, TREASURE of FORTkNOX.


Well-Known Member
saakk bro hows usdinr going on can you please post daily chart with ur analysis on it...
its been in range for 2 weeks now too low vola waiting to go somewhere? :D


Well-Known Member

Happy Diwali to you and thanks for the sound clouds posted in the Traderjis international music box thread. :clapping: :thumb:

Take care / DanPickUp
Thankx friend.... same to you, i hope all your wishes get fulfilled this DIWALI.... Yenjoy...... :thumb::thumb::thumb:

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