Hi areebs, was the opening a short?
I'm also not sure if 11:00 is a long.
13:30 short @ 5319. cover 5314?
There was a Ema crossover in the morning but the 5 min stoch was hovering around the support line of 20 till 10am so not short.
No long at 11am as 30min stoch bearish
No short at 1.30pm, as 30min stoch was bullish and the 5min stoch was in the oversold zone.
Trade 1:
10.25 am Sell 5313 Exit 5316 = -3
Trade 2 :
11.55am Buy 5328 Exit 5326 = -2
Trade 3 :
2.20pm Buy 5328 Stoploss 5319 = -9
Trade 4 :
2.30pm Sell 5320 Stoploss 5329 = -9
So as of now , -23 points + brok+tax -8 = -31 points