From complete noob in Autohotkey, within 7 days(not full days), I could develop a script to obtain quotes from NSENOW and save them alongwith formatted date into a csv file.
Here is the script.
If this is put into loop, a file can be generated every second and imported into Amibroker.
Any contributers?
Rest assured that you will not repent for the time spent to study Autohotkey.
We need not develop client for RTD
Here is the script.
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
DetectHiddenWindows On
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1
IfWinExist NOW
ControlGet,MyWatch,List,,SysListView323,NOW ;Copied contents of SysListView323 into MyWatch
MsgBox %MyWatch%
StringReplace, MyWatch, MyWatch, %A_Tab%, `, ,All
Tempvar =
Loop, Parse, MyWatch, `n ;This loop is to access each line of the list.
Tempvar = %Tempvar%`n%Cdate%`,%A_LoopField%
FileDelete, R:\Nifty.txt ;My RAM drive is R
FileAppend , %Tempvar%, R:\Nifty.txt
MsgBox File Written
MsgBox NSENOW not open.
Any contributers?
Rest assured that you will not repent for the time spent to study Autohotkey.
We need not develop client for RTD