Real Time Data Now / Nest Trader to Amibroker, Fcharts

Is backfill working with Hourly Stats for current day data?

How do you generate Data Table manually? Is the short-cut "Shift+D" working?
No Sir, "Shift+D" is not working rather i Right Click on the scrip, Select 'Plugin Command' then Click on Data Table(Screenshot attached). Then only I able to Backfill that particular symbol only. And without generating Data Table, if i select multiple symbol and click on Do Backfill, it backfills one symbol data in all.



Active Member
Check if it allows "Link to Excel" like Nest Trader. If yes, paste the formulae that you get in Excel. If it does work in Excel, old excel utilities should still send data to Amibroker.
Any zerodha customer currently using PI Please check the above method and give feedback, I am fed up of ZT which crashes very often, I love to shift to PI but i am afraid if the above techniques is not working again i have to remigrate to ZT, please PI users give feed back about above technique and stability of Pi. thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Any zerodha customer currently using PI Please check the above method and give feedback, I am fed up of ZT which crashes very often, I love to shift to PI but i am afraid if the above techniques is not working again i have to remigrate to ZT, please PI users give feed back about above technique and stability of Pi. thanks in advance
People Using pi shift back to ZT :rofl:

oh yeah. I also reverted to ztrader after spending a few days on Pi for testing purpose. The good thing is that I was able to use Pi for a few days and reverted simply because ztrader was comparably more comfortable.


Well-Known Member
@Tracerbullet --

I have made some changes to RTDMan. These are only in worker.cpp file.

1. First change is to skip all quotes that are 3 minutes away from the current time. This is to remove the 15:29 quote that I get in the morning If I start RTDMan before market start. ( This I have to test tomorrow morning)

2. Second change is to create one minute bars instead of one second bars that are currently created. I have tested this and it seems to be working. However, I am not sure whether I am loosing the last quote of the minute.
1 minute bars will make backfill very fast when erase is set to true since there will be only 337 bars per day.

Can you kindly check the code? I have highlighted it with blue colour.

edit:- I observed that new bar created by Amibroker when the new minute starts is exact replica of previous bar for 1 sec. Then the bar changes at next sec refresh. (Bar refresh is still 1 sec ). Does it mean my data is wrong?

  Copyright (C) 2014  SpiffSpaceman

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <>

#include "worker.h"
#include "misc_util.h"
#include "amibroker_feed.h"

#include <windows.h> 
#include <process.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <limits>

 * Read Scrips and setup DS. Start Timers and start AB thread
                                                                           // _T()  - character set Neutral
    Event_RTD_Update = CreateEvent( NULL, false, FALSE, _T("RTD_UPDATE") );// Manual Reset = false - Event resets to nonsignaled on 1 wait release
    Event_StopNow    = CreateEvent( NULL, true,  FALSE, NULL );                // Initialize state to FALSE. Read data only after callback
    Event_Stopped    = CreateEvent( NULL, true,  FALSE, NULL );
    AB_timer         = CreateWaitableTimer( NULL, false,NULL );

    today_date       = MiscUtil::getTime("%Y%m%d");                        // Get todays date - yyyymmdd


    rtd_client = new RTDClient( settings.rtd_server_prog_id  );
    current    = new ScripState[ settings.no_of_scrips ] ;
    previous   = new ScripState[ settings.no_of_scrips ] ;
    for( int i=0 ; i<settings.no_of_scrips ; i++ ){                        // Make map key topic_id and value = scripd_id,field_id 
        for( int j=0 ; j<FIELD_COUNT ; j++ ){                              // topic_id generated using FIELD_COUNT as base multiplier for each scrip
            topic_id_to_scrip_field_map[ i*FIELD_COUNT + j  ]  =  std::make_pair( i,j );

    LARGE_INTEGER start_now = {0};                                         // Start Timers immediately    
    SetWaitableTimer( AB_timer , &start_now, settings.bar_period, NULL, NULL, false );
    InitializeCriticalSection( &lock );
    _beginthread( threadEntryDummy, 0, this );                             // Start Amibroker Poller Thread

 * Cleanup
    CancelWaitableTimer( AB_timer ) ;
    CloseHandle(AB_timer) ;    
    CloseHandle(Event_RTD_Update) ;    
    CloseHandle(Event_StopNow) ;
    CloseHandle(Event_Stopped) ;

    if( csv_file_out.is_open() ){                                          // Close file if not done - just in case

    delete [] current;     current    = 0;
    delete [] previous;    previous   = 0;
    delete rtd_client;     rtd_client = 0;

 * Signal Thread to stop and wait for it - Wait Maximum 3 seconds
void Worker::stop(){    

    if( SetEvent(Event_StopNow)   ){        
        WaitForSingleObject( Event_Stopped, 3*1000 );        

Worker::ScripState::ScripState() : 
    ltp(0), vol_today(0), oi(0), bar_high(0), bar_low(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()), bar_open(0)    

void Worker::ScripState::reset(){
    ltp = 0; vol_today = 0; oi =0; bar_high = 0; bar_low = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); bar_open = 0; last_bar_ltt="";

bool Worker::ScripState::operator==(const ScripState& right) const{
    return (ltp == right.ltp)  && (vol_today == right.vol_today) &&
           (oi  == right.oi )  && (bar_high  == right.bar_high)  &&
           (ltt == right.ltt)  && (bar_low   == right.bar_low ); 

 * Connect Topics
void Worker::connect(){

    for( int i=0 ; i<settings.no_of_scrips ; i++ ){        
        std::cout <<  settings.scrips_array[i].ticker  << std::endl ;

        long        topic_id = i * FIELD_COUNT;
        std::string topic_1  = settings.scrips_array[i].topic_name;
        rtd_client->connectTopic(topic_id+LTP,          topic_1, settings.scrips_array[i].topic_LTP       );
        rtd_client->connectTopic(topic_id+LTT,          topic_1, settings.scrips_array[i].topic_LTT       );
        rtd_client->connectTopic(topic_id+VOLUME_TODAY, topic_1, settings.scrips_array[i].topic_vol_today );
        rtd_client->connectTopic(topic_id+OI,           topic_1, settings.scrips_array[i].topic_OI        );

 * Wait for RTD Update event. On event, read new data and setup Current Bars
void Worker::poll(){
        if( WaitForSingleObject( Event_RTD_Update, INFINITE ) ==  WAIT_OBJECT_0 ){                    

            std::map<long,CComVariant>*  data = rtd_client->readNewData() ;
            if( data != 0 && !data->empty() ){
                processRTDData( data );                
            delete data;            

 * Read TopicId-Value data from COM and update Current Bar
void Worker::processRTDData( const std::map<long,CComVariant>* data ){
    for( auto i=data->begin(), end=data->end() ;  i!=end ; ++i  ){
        const long   topic_id     = i->first;
        CComVariant  topic_value  = i->second;
        std::pair<int,int> &ids = topic_id ) ; 
        int script_id   =  ids.first;                                      // Resolve Topic id to Scrip id and field
        int field_id    =  ids.second;

        EnterCriticalSection( &lock );                                     // Lock when accessing current[] / previous[]

        switch( field_id ){                        
            case LTP :{
                double      ltp      = MiscUtil::getDouble( topic_value );
                ScripState *_current = & current[script_id];

                _current->ltp = ltp;
                if( _current->bar_high < ltp )    _current->bar_high = ltp;
                if( _current->bar_low  > ltp )    _current->bar_low  = ltp;
                if( _current->bar_open == 0  )    _current->bar_open = ltp;                
                break ;    
            case VOLUME_TODAY :{  
                long long vol_today          = MiscUtil::getLong  ( topic_value );
                current[script_id].vol_today = vol_today;

                if( vol_today !=0  &&  previous[script_id].vol_today == 0  ){
                    previous[script_id].vol_today = vol_today;             // On startup prev vol is 0, Set it so that we can get first bar volume
                break ;
            case LTT  : { current[script_id].ltt  = MiscUtil::getString( topic_value );  
						 break ;

            case OI   :  current[script_id].oi   = MiscUtil::getLong  ( topic_value ); break ;

        LeaveCriticalSection( &lock ) ;

 *    New Thread Entry Point
void Worker::threadEntryDummy(void* _this){

void Worker::amibrokerPoller(){

    std::vector<ScripBar>  new_bars;
    amibroker = new Amibroker( settings.ab_db_path, settings.csv_path, std::string("rtd.format") );
                                                                           // amibroker constructor has to be called in new thread 
        // Use events and timers instead of sleep which would be blocking 
        // Need to exit thread cleanly and immediately on application quit - sleep would block

        HANDLE   events[]    = {Event_StopNow,AB_timer};                   // (A) Wait For Timer Event / Application Quit Event
        DWORD    return_code = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, events , false, INFINITE );                
        if( return_code == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ){                                // Quit Event
            delete amibroker; amibroker = 0;
            SetEvent(Event_Stopped) ;
            std::cout << "AB Feeder Thread Stopped" << std::endl;
        else if( return_code != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 ){                       // If not Timer Event, then we have some error
            std::stringstream msg;  msg << "WaitForSingleObject Failed - " << return_code;
            throw( msg.str() );                

    // Shared data access start
        EnterCriticalSection( &lock );

        for( int i=0 ; i<settings.no_of_scrips ; i++  ){                   // (B) Setup Bar data for each updated scrip using current and previous

            ScripState *_current  =  &current[i];
            ScripState *_prev     =  &previous[i];
            long long bar_volume  =  _current->vol_today - _prev->vol_today ;
                                                                           // If data not changed, skip
            if( (_current->bar_open == 0)                   ||             // 1. No New data from readNewData()     
                (bar_volume==0 && _current->vol_today!=0)   ||             // 2. Also skip if bar volume 0 but allow 0 volume scrips like forex
                ((*_current) == (*_prev))                                  // 3. We got new data from readNewData() but its duplicate
              )    continue;                                               //    NEST RTD sends all fields even if unconnected field (ex B/A) changes    
            std::string bar_ltt;                                           // Use ltt if present else use current time  
            !_current->ltt.empty()  ? bar_ltt = _current->ltt : bar_ltt = MiscUtil::getTime( settings.time_format.c_str() );

[COLOR="Blue"]//		Following code inserted by Josh1
			 bar_ltt.erase(2,1);											// Remove colons in the time string
//			 bar_ltt.erase(4,1);
			 bar_ltt.erase(4);												// Remove Colon and Seconds from time stamp

			 std::string Current_time = MiscUtil::getTime( settings.time_format.c_str() ); // get current time and
			 Current_time.erase(2,1);														// remove colon from time
//			 Current_time.erase(4,1);
			 Current_time.erase(4);											// Remove Colon and Seconds from Current time

			 //convert bar_ltt and current time to integers and find time difference
			 int i_Current_time = std::stoi (Current_time,nullptr,0);
			 int i_ltt = std::stoi (bar_ltt,nullptr,0);
			 int time_diff = i_ltt - i_Current_time;

			 if(time_diff > 3) {						// if time difference is greater than 3 minutes, skip to next scrip.
				continue;								// This is to remove Previous days's quotes of 15:29 captured in the morning.
				}										// also to remove stray quotes received if any. 

//			std::cout << settings.scrips_array[i].ticker<< " Time difference - " << i_ltt <<" - " << i_Current_time << " = " << i_ltt  - i_Current_time <<std::endl;
//			Following code commented out by Josh1 since all data is required
//            if(  bar_ltt == _prev->last_bar_ltt  ){                        // IF LTT is same as previous LTT of this scrip ( but data is different )
//                continue;                                                  //   skip to avoid overwrite with same timestamp
//            }                                                              // This can happen if we have more than 1 update in a second 
                                                                           //   and poller took data in between 
//			End changes by Josh1
			 new_bars.push_back( ScripBar() );
            ScripBar* bar = &new_bars.back();

            bar->ltt                = bar_ltt;
             _current->last_bar_ltt = bar_ltt;

            _prev->vol_today !=0    ? bar->volume = bar_volume    : bar->volume = 0;
                                                                           // Ignore First bar volume as prev bar is not set.
            bar->ticker     = settings.scrips_array[i].ticker;             // Otherwise, we get today's volume = First Bar volume
            bar->bar_open   = _current->bar_open;                                
            bar->bar_high   = _current->bar_high;
            bar->bar_low    = _current->bar_low;
            bar->bar_close  = _current->ltp;            
            bar->oi         = _current->oi;                                            

[COLOR="Blue"]//			Inserted by Josh1

            if(  bar_ltt != _prev->last_bar_ltt  ){                        // If time stamp of current bar is not same as previous bar then
            (*_prev)  =  (*_current) ;                                     // Copy current to previous and reset current
            _current->reset();												// this will happen every minute since time stamp is HHmm
// This code Commented out by Josh1
			(*_prev)  =  (*_current) ;                                     // Copy current to previous and reset current
[/COLOR]        }

		LeaveCriticalSection( &lock );
    // Shared data access end

        if( !new_bars.empty() ){                                           // (C) Write to csv    and Send to Amibroker
            writeCsv( new_bars );

void Worker::writeCsv( const std::vector<ScripBar> & bars ){ settings.csv_path  );                               // Setup output stream to csv file
    if( !csv_file_out.is_open() ){                                         // Reopening will also clear old content by default
        throw( "Error opening file - " + settings.csv_path );        

    size_t          size = bars.size();
    const ScripBar *bar;

    for( size_t i=0 ; i<size ; i++ ){                                      // $FORMAT Ticker, Date_YMD, Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, OpenInt
        bar = &bars[i];
        csv_file_out << bar->ticker     << ',' 
                     << today_date      << ',' 
                     << bar->ltt        << ',' 
                     << bar->bar_open   << ',' 
                     << bar->bar_high   << ',' 
                     << bar->bar_low    << ',' 
                     << bar->bar_close  << ',' 
                     << bar->volume     << ',' 
                     << bar->oi         << std::endl ;

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
No Sir, "Shift+D" is not working rather i Right Click on the scrip, Select 'Plugin Command' then Click on Data Table(Screenshot attached). Then only I able to Backfill that particular symbol only. And without generating Data Table, if i select multiple symbol and click on Do Backfill, it backfills one symbol data in all.
In ZT/Nest Trader, Open Preferences -- Shortcut Manager
Find this line --
Shift+D Shift+D Global NULL NESTPLUGIN_HOTKEYS 20009 NULL -1

Change the number 20009 to 20007.

If you cannot change online, export the shortcut file. Open it in notepad, find the line and change it. Re-import it to shortcut manager.

Check if Shift+D is opening data table.


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I last looked in
1 minute bars will make backfill very fast when erase is set to true since there will be only 337 bars per day.
337 :confused:, would've thought the figure to be 376 :)

The replica effect happens because now you have two utilities containerizing the data. First the RTDman does it as per its functioning 01 - 00, then amibroker does it 00 - 59, hence the data overlap of one second will give rise to charting ambiguity for the duration of 1 sec




Well-Known Member
@Tracerbullet --

I have made some changes to RTDMan. These are only in worker.cpp file.

1. First change is to skip all quotes that are 3 minutes away from the current time. This is to remove the 15:29 quote that I get in the morning If I start RTDMan before market start. ( This I have to test tomorrow morning)

2. Second change is to create one minute bars instead of one second bars that are currently created. I have tested this and it seems to be working. However, I am not sure whether I am loosing the last quote of the minute.
1 minute bars will make backfill very fast when erase is set to true since there will be only 337 bars per day.

Can you kindly check the code? I have highlighted it with blue colour.

edit:- I observed that new bar created by Amibroker when the new minute starts is exact replica of previous bar for 1 sec. Then the bar changes at next sec refresh. (Bar refresh is still 1 sec ). Does it mean my data is wrong?
Is this tested? I havent done coding for long time now nor read RTDMan source code since then, so cant just understand impact of changes/syntax issues without debugging. But Anyway, i remember there was a problem when i worked on 1 min bars. Read here

I think, the problem is that the reset happens when AB thread sees minute change. So the first tick of a minute has the previous minute data + any unread tick of current minute. Then AB thread reads this OHLC, and resets the current bar. So you will also loose any new Data in the first tick of the minute after reset. I have explained this better in the old post i linked above. This was not designed for duplicate tick updates and hence the problem.

Also, you can look at MiscUtil::getTime() to simplify Time code. Can Use %H:%M as format without seconds. settings.ini has it configurable.
I guess this is why i made it configurable but forgot to remove ...

About the slow deletion - Deletion from Quote Editor is not so slow, So It is possible that the bottleneck is in COM calls from VB. C++ may be faster in making the COM api calls ( Could be wrong, i dont know much here - but anyway someone will have to write it ... )
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