Real Time quotes from yahoo to Amibroker

Try this idclose.format

I have now put idclose.format file given along with coolrc software, in amibroker\format folder.
Then I started amibroker and your new xls file and started it.
Now all symbols and one data against each symbol have come in amibroker.
Hope this would work well in market hours tomorrow.

Thanks and Regards.


Active Member
Your modified excel sheet works very nicely. Only thing is I get a runtime error if I put my own selection of NSE stocks (around 200 or so). What could be the reason? Is there any way around this? Please let me know.


Well-Known Member

Runtime error should not be there. Even if ticker symbol is tyoed wrong it shoud work try deleting the symbols 5-6 after market is closed and see if there is trouble still.
Post me sheet with your required symbols and i will look into it
rkgoyal_98@ ya***.com
i tried , active x control error...object can not be created.

problem is ..note pad was created and feeds are not stored...but can be seen on excel sheet...for first few seconds...not later...note pad left out with no data



Well-Known Member
Hi GTji,

I have examined your sheet. It is still not clear as what exactly is the Run time error. Is it "Path not Found". If it is so then most probably it is because path of the Amibroker data is wrongly typed in. In your case it is "C:\Program Files\Amibroker\NEWDATA" just check if the same exists. The second Error in your sheet may be because of "subscript out of range" If this is run time error then you have remake the sheet from original sheet posted here.
One important suggestion is that make ur sheet as per ur required symbols and save it as a safe backup sheet. If at anytime error occurs during the running of sheet, just close the sheet without saving and restart the same. In fact what is happening some data is stored in hidden parts of the sheet for processing and if error occurs it interfears with fresh data on restart if sheet was saved. So if error occurs then close sheet without saving. On each successful operation sheet is saved automatically to keep the stored data ready for next operation.
Hope this will solve yor problem
Come back if there is still any problem

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