Realtime data NOW,ODIN,TradeTiger,Google,Yahoo > AmiBroker, Fcharts, Qtstalker

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Well-Known Member
2. For this use the field "Symbol" instead of "Trading Symbol" in NSENOW and RTG31. That field is short. Currently you have removed it.

i normally use that field - Symbol instead of Trading Symbol. in fno for the future it creates a smooth roll over candidate otherwise every expiry i have to merge the present expiry with the past fno data to get the continuous data of the futures.



Well-Known Member
Yes, I am not developer, so not sure how to put it in code. :)

the format file (NOW.format) does the trick. fiddle there to get ur proper naming stuff.

# Format definition file generated automatically
# by AmiBroker's ASCII Import Wizard
$FORMAT Date_DMY, Ticker, Time, Close, Volume, Appendticker, Appendticker - look at this line
$GROUP 255
# Format definition file generated automatically
# by AmiBroker's ASCII Import Wizard
$FORMAT Date_DMY, Ticker, Time, Close, Volume, OpenInt, Skip
$GROUP 255
u can set it up here (look at the bold lettered line)

Dear Learned members ..
Please read this ..
StockBangladesh providing plug-in for Amibroker software, where user can enjoy live data feed for free. Ami Broker Data Plug-in provides real time data update directly into the Ami Broker software. Users can manage two different databases e.g. intraday (updated during trading time) and end of day .

Links to this is here

Can anyone here code something like this for Indian stock markets ?

Yeh dil Maange moree ...


Well-Known Member
I think limit is 14 character length for importing security. When imported NIFTY12JUL5100CE, it creates symbol as NIFTY12JUL5100.
When imported NIFTY12JUL5100PE, it creates symbol NIFTY12JUL5100.
If you have already imported NIFTY12JUL5100PE and then importing CE,
it create separate files with same symbol names using as2ms.
The moment you try to open it in MS, it says duplicate securities, and merges it to one file.
The symbol name NIFTY12JUL5100CE or NIFTY12JUL5100PE becomes NIFTY12JUL5100 after import.
I think we need to format all symbols ending with PE or CE as JUL5100CE or PE by removing first few characters.


Well-Known Member
I think we need to format all symbols ending with PE or CE as JUL5100CE or PE by removing first few characters.
That will not work. TATAMOTORS12JUL140CE will become 12JUL140CE. We cannot remove Scrip Name. Use the following fields instead in that order from column A to G

Symbol | Last Trade Time | Last Traded Price | Volume Traded Today | Open Interest | Option Type | Strike Price

Change this iine
CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value & ",I," & Format$(Date, "yyyymmdd") ' ' nge this (Insert comma and I after ticker name)

as below-
CellValue = Cells(r, C).Value & left(Cells(r, 6).Value, 1) & Cells(r, 7).Value & ",I," & Format$(Date, "yyyymmdd") ' ' (Insert first letter of Option Type, Strike Price, comma and I and Date after ticker name)

Change this line
C = 1

For C = 1 to 5

Change this line
C= C+1
Next C
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