Reg: Intra daytrading software

Hello Nihar15,
Thanks for ur valuable suggestions and ur reference to the open source project too.
Hope with all ur blessings,we will definitely try our level best to live up to ur expectations.If u know/come across of any other such projects ,do let us know.
True, if it a JAVA platform,it truely becomes a universal platform,even for the linux community.Maybe we have to think in that aspect only.
Re: Reg: Intra daytrading

joy_mitali said:
But one problem is going on in my mind.
What ops2ops is suggesting will probably need to hack NSE/other servers.---which is criminal offence by law.
Am i wrong? maybe-----plz seniors/knowledgebles comment.
And plz ,all pros------Plz let us proceed as sunnyday is saying---fast
Though I am not senior or knowledgeable, I would like comment that like Medved Quotetracker, our proposed software will be querying NSE quote server and not hacking the actual site. (This is my understanding... I may be mistaken though)
There may be increase in bandwidth activity if many people query NSE servers throughout the day but nothing else.

Hi Srisara,Trader9 ,and all others,
Srisara: Just read ur mail now,so I am replying in the forum only.That u are well now after a couple of days ,is itself more more important.
Plz ,don't mind---but for everyone's benefit and knowledge ,I am quoting a part of ur mail:
-----" I was thinking about this NSE Live Feed where we can see the realtime data from NSE (Intra Day). Since it is an applet, we cannot do much.

---But if anyone can talk to NSE and get the live data in any form csv,text,xml. we can do workaround and import the data in our applications."

I would also like to quote a part of trader9's message in the forum:
----"I would like to comment that like Medved Quotetracker, our proposed software will be querying NSE quote server and not hacking the actual site. (This is my understanding... I may be mistaken though)"

In a way, both u--Srisara and trader9 are refering to the same direction.Here,I would like to know ,if there exists a professional deal between Medved Quotetraker and NSE, or NSE is providing the data free of cost.

If the realtime data is provided free of cost by NSE (for the greater benefit of everyone),then the problem is virtually solved.----Seniors/knowledgables,Plz,plz--comment here.
Even if they r not doing,can they be approached to provide the data for an open source project?
To all the infuential personalities in this forum,---it is a request to them, from us ,to approach NSE and have this matter resolved as fast as we can.

Taking the negative side ,for the time being---what else r other possible ways of getting the data?
Can there exist some remote possibilities of getting the data from some broking terminals,at a nominal cost, as a stop gap?IF so,what should be the amount,and how can we organise it?

Next ,coming to the actual reality----what is the bare minimum structure of the application which we want to create?All suggestions r welcome.

It's appearig that considering portability , JAVA is everyone's favourite.So I hope that issue may also get finalised---all objections r welcome.
Also what database needs to be utilised for an open souece project needs also to be considered.

And finally ,following srisaras enthusiasm,lets all get charged up and say in chorus---"Let----Set---Gooooooooooo"-------


Medved Quote Tracker (QT) is free, completely free anybody can dowload the software and do the necessary data source settings, ie NSE INDIA and start viewing the real time quotes and charts.
u r always @ liberty to quote from my mails. In fact, I should have put the contents of those mails in the forum.
Neverthless, I installed Medved Quote Tracker just yesterday and was figuring out how to configure. I was able to succeed for a part.

But, Medved Quote Tracker list only real time data during the trading hours (correct me if i am wrong -- any setting required to over ride this, pls help me.)

Now coming to NSE Live feed, I have literally browsed the entire site to check any link exists to get the Live Feed. I could not find anything other than the Stock quote page where we can see the stock details, its current quote, bid, ask etc etc. also if everyone remembers, there is a small link in that page to open an Intra Day Chart(opens an applet and no use for us for the time being).

This is one side of the Story.
How to Query NSE Live Feed? the way Medved Quote Tracker does!
In no way we can decipher the contents of the Stock Quote page (querying it every time for a quote) to get the tick by tick data.
What is the basis of Live Feed data? There are 2 main things we need to remember

1. Quote Price ( quantity executed?)
2. Time Stamp (This will be unique for every transaction)

Only by TimeStamp we can coculed that particular a quote is the latest price for that Stock.
According to me, Medved gets a free or paid NSE Live Feed.

Infact, if you go and open all the options under the menu Members in the NSE, it will give more information about VSAT Connections (most Brokers use this) and ADSL Conenction through which you can connect to NSE Terminal Directly. Under this agreement NSE provide Live IntraDay data....I think every 15 seconds..

This way getting NSE Live Feed is very easy. But, it involves quite a big investment of 2-3 lacs.

What is the Option left out with us now?
We may have to talk to NSE (anyone staying in Delhi can help us in this regard) to get a Live Feed.
Also, lets say we are requesting free Live Feed, for how many stocks will they entertain our request?

Seeing the forum, everyone has their own tastes in tradings different scrips. At the end we need to do justice to all.....

One More Thought in my Mind......reg Medved Quote Tracker ( it provides realtime NSE Data... so was wondering whats wrong with it?
Can anyone write the limitations / demerits of Medved Quote Tracker? Unless I test it, (which i am going to do so from Monday) I cannot come up with ay comments on it.

Rest later
Hi Satya

QT gets live feed from NSE .But it does not support Windows DDE.
The main purpose of getting live feed is to chart the price in our own templates according to the believes of the individual.
I wonder why Yahoo is not giving realtime linkage to indian stock markets, as it is the second largest emerging market in the world.

Sharad C. Kapadia
srisara said:
Now coming to NSE Live feed, I have literally browsed the entire site to check any link exists to get the Live Feed. I could not find anything other than the Stock quote page where we can see the stock details, its current quote, bid, ask etc etc. also if everyone remembers, there is a small link in that page to open an Intra Day Chart(opens an applet and no use for us for the time being).
One way is to reverse engineer i.e. decompile the applet.

According to me, Medved gets a free or paid NSE Live Feed.
Why would Medved pay for NSE India live data feed.
And If the data feed is free, the NSE site which as you say, you have literally browsed, should have said so.

What is the Option left out with us now?
We may have to talk to NSE (anyone staying in Delhi can help us in this regard) to get a Live Feed.
Why Delhi, NSE Corporate office is located at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai
Just becoz it is 'National' doesn't mean it is in Delhi.


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