Restoring Traders/Investors Faith into Investing


Active Member
Hauler's proper portfolio from 1jan14 till today.

I think i mentioned its splits and dividends adjusted. It would be good if you can also add yours with dividend included.
Mayur Uniquoters Limited MAYURUNIQ Dividend (paid to cash) Nov 19, 2013 0.625
Corporation Bank CORPBANK Dividend (paid to cash) Jan 28, 2014 4.50
Orient Cement Ltd ORIENTCEM Dividend (paid to cash) Feb 13, 2014 0.75
Mayur Uniquoters Limited MAYURUNIQ Dividend (paid to cash) Feb 17, 2014 0.70
FAG Bearings India... FAGBEARING Dividend (paid to cash) Mar 27, 2014 6.00
Mayur Uniquoters Limited MAYURUNIQ Split Mar 28, 2014 2:1
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Dividend (paid to cash) Apr 10, 2014 12.50
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Dividend (paid to cash) May 22, 2014 1.00
Corporation Bank CORPBANK Dividend (paid to cash) Jun 13, 2014 2.25


Well-Known Member
I think i mentioned its splits and dividends adjusted. It would be good if you can also add yours with dividend included.
Mayur Uniquoters Limited MAYURUNIQ Dividend (paid to cash) Nov 19, 2013 0.625
Corporation Bank CORPBANK Dividend (paid to cash) Jan 28, 2014 4.50
Orient Cement Ltd ORIENTCEM Dividend (paid to cash) Feb 13, 2014 0.75
Mayur Uniquoters Limited MAYURUNIQ Dividend (paid to cash) Feb 17, 2014 0.70
FAG Bearings India... FAGBEARING Dividend (paid to cash) Mar 27, 2014 6.00
Mayur Uniquoters Limited MAYURUNIQ Split Mar 28, 2014 2:1
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Dividend (paid to cash) Apr 10, 2014 12.50
Foseco India Limited FOSECOIND Dividend (paid to cash) May 22, 2014 1.00
Corporation Bank CORPBANK Dividend (paid to cash) Jun 13, 2014 2.25
Yes I saw that, lets keep the money in the pocket and focus on the core growth of the companies which WE selected under our strategies. (split adjusted is fine and i think necessary but don't adjust it with dividend it will create confusion.)
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Well-Known Member
I personally believe there are more experts in this thread then in whole LIC's investment team. Buying overpriced stock(infy) when market is making highs is not a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Yes I say that, lets keep the money in the pocket and focus on the core growth of the companies which WE selected under our strategies. (split adjusted is fine and i think necessary but don't adjust it with dividend it will create confusion.)
Obviously you need to adjust for dividend! You are saying like dividends are not a part of the return. Adjust for both split and dividend.


Well-Known Member
Lets have an intellectual conversation about a subject. Why do people sometimes forget that stocks, while traded are infact real companies with real assets and not just moving scrips on a screen. Everytime I open my laptop I look for a company I wanna buy not a stock or scrip. I havent made a buy in the last 1 year because I didnt find anything that caught my eye.

I believe that as investors we are the lifeblood of companies, the masters of business and we are the ones who actually give value to the rupees timid people hide in their FDs.


Well-Known Member
In the link posted above, its a study about whole index, which is average of all the 'companies' listed in that index. and the average of those companies suggests that the average P/E which investors used to invest 20 years ago was very low, now investors are paying more money to get the X return from that company. coming to your point to investing into particular company.. this study shows that 'good' average companies are not that cheaper any more then it was 20-30 years ago.

I personally relate this with the cheap money of US,UK and japan from last 10 years. US alone has contributed 4.3 trillion in last 4 years along, UK is buying govt debt of about 375Billion Pound and increasing. and japan wants inflation in their economy wow, I don't no whats wrong with deflation. I would love to live in a country with deflation. and ofcourse the near 0% interest rates of west.

I also believe that the increase in the real estate and gold between 2000- today is type of inflation which will not result in anything good for the general poor in any ways. what if housing market collapse for second time from today? (student loan, rent ratio of general population)

anyways, It is a specialty of value investor to pic dirt poor companies with great potential and they succeed majority of the times. but and finding value will be harder with the increase in average P/E of the index. when every thing is expensive, then the least expensive thing is termed as cheap. this is the policy which we have to adapt if prof shiller is right with his study.

Ben Inker, co-head of the asset-allocation team at Boston-based money management firm GMO, which has $119 billion in assets, likens the market to a leaf in a hurricane.

“You have no idea where the leaf will be a minute or an hour from now,” he says. “But eventually gravity will win out and it will land on the ground.”
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Well-Known Member
Lets have an intellectual conversation about a subject. Why do people sometimes forget that stocks, while traded are infact real companies with real assets and not just moving scrips on a screen. Everytime I open my laptop I look for a company I wanna buy not a stock or scrip. I havent made a buy in the last 1 year because I didnt find anything that caught my eye.
What about companies like Page industries, ttk prestige, Eicher motors etc? whats wrong with them??