Scalping and more in Nifty Futures


Well-Known Member
Today's trades :
Gained 43 points in trade 1 !
Then : Loss 6 + Loss 12 + Loss 10 (Levels already mentioned for these trades)
So we had :43-6-12-10=15 points gain.
Trade 5 : Short <6261.80 , did a low of 4242. Exited 1 at 6247 and 2nd at SAR >6255.45, this trade gave : 14+6=20 points Gain.
Trade 6 : Long above 6255: Did a high of 6268.80 ! Wanted to exit at 6269.45 but price did not breach 6269 twice, hence exited both lots at 6267.80 at ~3:15 PM thus gaining : 12X2=24 points.
So we had a 24+24=44 points in 6 trades, the same profit we had in hand after the 1st Trade ! :p


Well-Known Member
3rd Dec Trades as per system :
Long > 6246 did 6254 Loss -2 & -2
Short< 6245 did 6244 Loss -4 & -4
Long > 6249 did 6264.80 Gain +14 & +7
Short < 6257 did 6242 Gain +14 & +9
Long > 6251 did 6262 Open with sar at below 6249.45

My actual Trades :
Did not take first long as SL was ~25 points
Short 6245 Exit 6254 (Missed a reversal) Loss : 2X9=-18
Long 6254 Exit 6257 (Could not book 1 lot at 14 points as entry was late) Gain 2X3=+6
Short 6257 Exit 1 lot at 13.35 points and 2nd at 6251.80 : Gain 13+6=+19
Long 6252 Open SL 6249
Score : -18+6+19=+7

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