Sell Rpower Buy Ntpc

Ha, I missed this one out.

Well, the market has told you already.

Just read this forum to know about RPOWER, where a lot of members have given financial facts. Even a dumb guy can understand that. You can be a wise trader if you know fundamentals, if you do not know about that.

Who said I am pretending? Besides, Who are you to say what others should do? If at all anyone should shut up, it should be you, as you are the one who is talking about others without any authority.

I am happy to see atleast one who acknowledged that he was saved from RPOWER. You could search this forums.
Dost ure getting sentimental un necessarily.
I wanst referring to u personally apologies for wrong word usage.

I am Bullish on Rpower. 50-80% upsides from current levels in 8-12 months Horizon.
This share has been oversold.
Hi! Its Ok. Maybe, its oversold, but my reco is to keep out of this stock, for that matter any stock where there is no value. See this co has got about 12k cr mostly from public, and, a licence for power production, and, it is valued at around 26k cr even at this price. And production to start from next decade, 2011!

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