Settlement of Call Option


Well-Known Member

Day 1 - You bought And your ledger got debited by -9125

Day 4 - You sold and your ledger got credited by +18125

So where is the problem you earned net profit of 9000 simple


Hi Savant,

Trade happened on different day.

Day 1: I bought SBI /2900 / CA / 73 @ 1 lot (125)

As per my ledger 9125 got debited

Day 4: I sold SBI / 2900 / CA / 145 @ 1 lot (125)

As per my ledger 18125 got credited

Apart from this some 500+ on account of brokerage + STT + bla..bla... got debited from my account.

I heard for all options the premium price will be taken by exchange. So in this case shouldn't I get only 9000 after deducting the premium of 9125 I paid during BUY?

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