Just wanted to make one thing clear, there were 4 wipsaw's , so do we double our quantity in every whipsaw ??
Suppose i started with 4 lots , i'll be holding 64 lots in my current trade ??
SH expects whipsaws before hand after every trend. Whipsaws are usually two to three. So, it is wiser to adopt doubling the trade after 2 whips, if not three. As per SH view, it is the rarest of rare whips. In fact, SH suspects correction to this present trend if not whip.
Take double quantity of the trade, exit half of it when you see a profit and carry with the trade with remaining position.
If you trade with 4 lots, doubling it makes 8 lots. So, when you see a profit on whole position of 8 lots, book profit on 4 lots and hold remaining 4 lots to be in the trade. Suppose your 8 lots position emergences into a trend you are not looser since you are already into trade with 4 lots and booked profit on 4 lots.
The actual idea behind doubling the quantity is to book some quick profits rather than holding it mechanically until it results in whip. That way it wont result in 64 lots holding which is highly impossible.