Helion and Sukhi, U both have a very valid query!!!! There would be occassions when it will be quiet difficult to decide at close what to do with our position.
At 3.25 or may be 3.28 the market is not closed but 'almost' closed and the 3 EMA and 15 EMA levles at that moment are there for us to see. Though it is very much possible but rare that the 3ema and 15ema would be different at 3.30!!!
Sukhi, as EOD chart considers the weighted average close and IEOD considers actual close hence the crossovers may differ in either!!! As we are to trade and decide in real time , my suggestion is best to follow IEOD charts consistently!!
I know a few friends who do not take position immediately at close but wait for next day to take or reverse a trade!!! Any system has to be adapted as per comfort level of individual trader!!!!
May be SH can throw more and direct light on your area of confusion, this is my $0.02 for what it is worth!!!