Hi..!! Umesh, yOu dint miss anything in rules but it seems like you are cOnfused by calculation, plzzz...try to understand it like this:
January 03, 2010 -10 ( 2 trades) = -10
January 04, 2010 +70 ( 6 trades) = +60
January 05, 2010 +6 ( 3 trades) = +67
January 06, 2010 +40 ( 2 trades) = +107
January 07, 2010 -4 ( 3 trades) = +103
On 6th jan its 2 trades of +20, +20 resulting +40 points for the day.
And +107 is total points earned from jan 3 to jan 6, hope you got it this way.
Cheers! SH rOcks...