SH's swing trading system - a simple way to play the markets


Well-Known Member
By this strategy we are currently supposed hold our longs but according to market correction we are supposed short , read some where that SH suggests that we buy some puts. Please suggest what should those people do who have no positions? Wait for 15 ema touch or enter longs ?

The strategy you are talking about is market correction strategy, whereas the thread where long holding is suggested is SH swing trading strategy, now its upto you, which strategy you adopted, both strategy are well backtested, if you asked me i suggest you for taking a put of march series(market correction strategy)



Active Member
I came to this thread today only. Have gone through all the posts. However, I don't see any pyramiding rule as you said in one of your earlier posts. Or have i missed it? However, even without the pyramiding rule the method has performed excellently. But still it will be interesting to know the pyramiding rule. Many thanks for all your posts.


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