SH's trading the 'greater fool' zone


Well-Known Member
I dont know, why this thread is so dead, as we hardly seen any comments from members, if anyone still trading this strategy, pls clarify why all people using diff % for getting the GFZ, people are taking anywhere from 6 % to 18 % , really confused:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Sh's or any other member pls clarify.
seems like this thread is dead..
nobody using this strategy ? :(
Everybody who is using this goes to the chat, it seems. And the levels are posted by T4J in his thread about 315 based strategies.


Well-Known Member
Keep visiting the thread TWH....:) it always feel good to see you around...
there are many ppl like me who cann't join you on chat....Hope you will keep your threads alive

GFZ buy in morning gave good profits today.

At day end mkts have closed at the upper band of GFZ (4902) .. taken some shorts .. lets see what happens on Monday


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