_SECTION_BEGIN("2 Timeframes Candlestick Bar Chart");
// Specially designed for use in day trading and to save chart space. This chart will displays 2 sets
// of candlestick bars. One for the time interval set for your chart- for example 1 Minute.
// The higher timeframe candlestick bars are created by using gfx low-level graphics AND will display
// according to the parameters you set- for example 5 minutes.
// I got the idea from David's (dbwyatt_1999) 2 Timeframe chart code which was shared by him on the AmiBroker List.
// It uses TimeFrame functions with the PlotOHLC function using styleCloud. So I was thinking it would look
// very nice using low-level graphics instead. Little bit more complicated, but I got a few great pointers from Herman!
// If your chart background turns pink- please read the error message in the upper left corner of the chart.
// Then please observe this AFL code uses ColorBlend(ColorFrom, ColorTo, Factor) which was introduced in Version 5.21 beta.
// The rules are simple- time frames from 1 up to 60 minutes AND Lower time frame must be smaller than the Higher time frame.
SetChartOptions(2, chartShowDates);
Title = Name();
ChartLum = Param("Chart Background Color Intensity", 0.40, 0, 1, 0.01);
TFMinShort = Param("Short Timeframe (Minutes)", 1, 1, 60, 1);
TFMinLong = Param("Long Timeframe (Minutes)", 5, 1, 60, 1);
OnSTFBars = ParamToggle("Short TF Bars", "Off, On", 1);
OnLTFBars = ParamToggle("Long TF Bars", "Off, On", 1);
BarLum1 = Param("Short TF Bar Color Intensity", 0, 0, 1, 0.01);
BarLum2 = Param("Long TF Bar Color Intensity", 0.70, 0, 1, 0.01);
SetChartBkColor(ColorBlend(colorLightBlue, colorWhite, ChartLum));
// Bar Colors for the Short Timeframe candlestick bars:
LineColor = ColorBlend(colorBlack, colorWhite, BarLum1);
UpBarColor = ColorBlend(colorBrightGreen, colorWhite, BarLum1);
DnBarColor = ColorBlend(colorRed, colorWhite, BarLum1);
// Bar Colors For The Long Timeframe candlestick bars:
TFLineColor = ColorBlend(colorBlack, colorWhite, BarLum2 - 0.1);
TFUpBarColor = ColorBlend(colorBrightGreen, colorWhite, BarLum2);
TFDnBarColor = ColorBlend(colorRed, colorWhite, BarLum2);
function GetVisibleBarCount()
lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
return Min( Lvb - fvb, BarCount - fvb );
function GfxConvertBarToPixelX( bar )
lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
pxchartleft = Status("pxchartleft");
pxchartwidth = Status("pxchartwidth");
return pxchartleft + bar * pxchartwidth / ( Lvb - fvb + 1 );
function GfxConvertValueToPixelY( Value )
local Miny, Maxy, pxchartbottom, pxchartheight;
Miny = Status("axisminy");
Maxy = Status("axismaxy");
pxchartbottom = Status("pxchartbottom");
pxchartheight = Status("pxchartheight");
return pxchartbottom - floor( 0.5 + ( Value - Miny ) * pxchartheight/ ( Maxy - Miny ) );
StaticVarKey = Name();
procedure xStaticVarSet(SName, SValue)
global StaticVarKey;
if (StaticVarKey != "")
StaticVarSet(Sname + StaticVarKey, Svalue);
if(Interval() != TFMinShort * 60)
Title = Title + "\n" + "\n" + "ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!!!" + "\n" + "Set the chart time Interval to: " + NumToStr(TFMinShort, 1.0, 1) +
" Minute(s) or change the Short Timeframe Parameter setting.";
OnSTFBars = 0;
OnLTFBars = 0;
if(TFMinShort >= TFMinLong)
Title = Title + "\n" + "\n" + "ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!!!" + "\n" + "The Long
Timeframe setting must be longer than the Short Timeframe!";
OnSTFBars = 0;
OnLTFBars = 0;
BarColor = IIf(Close > Open, UpBarColor, DnBarColor);
Plot(Close, "", LineColor, styleCandle);
Plot(Close, "", colorBlack, styleCandle | styleNoDraw);
TFSec = in1Minute * TFMinLong;
TFOpen = Open;
TFHigh = High;
TFLow = Low;
TFClose = Close;
TFBarIndex = BarIndex();
TFLastBarIndex = LastValue(BarIndex());
TFOpen = TimeFrameExpand(TFOpen, TFSec, expandFirst);
TFHigh = TimeFrameExpand(TFHigh, TFSec, expandFirst);
TFLow = TimeFrameExpand(TFLow, TFSec, expandFirst);
TFClose = TimeFrameExpand(TFClose, TFSec, expandFirst);
TFBarIndex = TimeFrameExpand(TFBarIndex, TFSec, expandLast + 1);
TFLastBarIndex = TimeFrameExpand(TFLastBarIndex, TFSec, expandLast + 1);
CandleTop = Max(TFOpen, TFClose);
CandleBottom = Min(TFOpen, TFClose);
AllVisibleBars = GetVisibleBarCount();
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
ChartWidth = GfxConvertBarToPixelX(AllVisibleBars );
PixBar = ChartWidth / AllVisibleBars;
Adjust = Pixbar * 0.35;
TFMinutes = TFMinLong / TFMinShort;
NewTFBar = IIf(TFBarIndex != Ref(TFBarIndex, -1), 1, 0);
BarInd = BarIndex();
TFLastBarIndex = LastValue(TFLastBarIndex);
for(i = 0; i < AllVisibleBars; i++)
x1 = GfxConvertBarToPixelX(i) * NewTFBar[i + fvb] - Adjust;
if(BarInd[i + fvb] < TFLastBarIndex AND NewTFBar[i + fvb] == 1)
Counter = 0;
for(n = i + 1; NewTFBar[n + fvb] == 0 AND n + fvb < BarCount-1; n++)
x2 = GfxConvertBarToPixelX(i + Counter) * NewTFBar[i + fvb] + 1 + Adjust;
if(TFBarIndex[i + fvb] == TFLastBarIndex)
x2 = GfxConvertBarToPixelX(i + TFMinutes - 1) * NewTFBar[i + fvb] + 1 + Adjust;
y1 = GfxConvertValueToPixelY(CandleTop[i + fvb]);
y2 = GfxConvertValueToPixelY(CandleBottom[i + fvb]);
yH = GfxConvertValueToPixelY(TFHigh[i + fvb]);
yL = GfxConvertValueToPixelY(TFLow[i + fvb]);
// Candle Body:
GfxSelectPen(TFLineColor, 0);
FillColor = IIf(TFOpen[i + fvb] < TFClose[i + fvb], TFUpBarColor,TFDnBarColor);
if(y1 == y2){y1 = y1 - Adjust; y2 = y2 + Adjust;
if(x1 > 0){
GfxRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2);
// Candle High and Low:
GfxSelectPen(TFLineColor, 2);
GfxMoveTo(x2+(x1-x2)/2, y1);
GfxLineTo(x2+(x1-x2)/2, yH);
GfxMoveTo(x2+(x1-x2)/2, y2);
GfxLineTo(x2+(x1-x2)/2, yL);
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Background", colorGrey40)) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", 0, -5, 5, 1) ;
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " + EncodeColor( colorPaleGreen ) + " Open %g," + EncodeColor( colorSkyblue ) + " Hi %g, "
+ EncodeColor( colorRed ) + " Lo %g, " + EncodeColor( colorGold )+ " Close %g (%.1f%%){{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
//EncodeColor( colorBlack )+ Name() + " - " +Interval()/60 +" Min -" + Date()
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Price",colorBlack), styleNoTitle | styleCandle,0,0,0,Layer );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C ;
//Peaking Volumes
HiVolume = IIf(V > (2 * MA(V,10)), True, False);
PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle * HiVolume, IIf(C > O, colorBlack, colorWhite), 0, (O+C)/2, 0);
usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 1) ;
// Author: Pratap Balakrishnan
// Copyright: All rights reserved. Not to be circulated or shared or posted on websites without the author's written permission.
// email id: [email protected]
This creates a band of period-moving average for the given TF
(TF should be equal to or higher than current chart TF).
alloff = ParamToggle("All off", "No|Yes", 0) ;
// Rh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
// Rl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;
tf = Param("TF", 3, 1, 100000, 1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 13, 2, 1000, 1 );
showzone = ParamToggle("Show Zone", "No|Yes", 1) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", -2, -5, 5, 1) ;
shift = Param("Shift", 0, -100, 100, 1) ;
showtitle = ParamToggle("Show Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;
isema = ParamToggle("MA Type", "MA|EMA", 1) ;
MAstyle = ParamStyle("MA Style", styleThick|styleDashed) ;
MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
Clrup = ParamColor( "Color Up", colorTurquoise);
Clrdown = ParamColor( "Color Down", colorRose);
Clrsw = ParamColor( "Color SW", colorLavender);
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 0);
styledisp = 0 ;
if (NOT showtitle)
styledisp |= styleNoTitle ;
if (NOT showlabel)
styledisp |= styleNoLabel ;
expandmode = expandFirst ;
if (isexpandLast)
expandmode = expandLast ;
if (NOT alloff)
Oldintrvl = Interval() ;
if (usetf)
tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;
tfs = Interval() ;
if (isema)
MAhtf = EMA(H, Periods) ;
MAhtf = MA(H, Periods) ;
if (isema)
MAltf = EMA(L, Periods) ;
MAltf = MA(L, Periods) ;
str = NumToStr(tf, 1.0)+"Min"+"-P"+NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
Clr = IIf(MAltf > Ref(MAltf, -1 ), ClrUp,
IIf(MAhtf < Ref(MAhtf, -1 ), ClrDown,
Clrsw)) ;
if (usetf)
TimeFrameRestore() ; //TimeFrameSet(Oldintrvl) ;
if (usetf)
MAhtfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAhtf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
MAhtfe = MAhtf ;
if (usetf)
MAltfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAltf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
MAltfe = MAltf ;
if (usetf)
Clre = TimeFrameExpand(Clr, tfs, expandmode ) ;
Clre = Clr ;
RefMAhtfe = MAhtfe ;
RefMAltfe = MAltfe ;
RefClre = Clre ;
Plot( RefMAhtfe, str+" High", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 );
Plot( RefMAltfe, str+" Low", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 );
if (showzone)
PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe, RefMAhtfe, RefMAltfe, RefMAltfe, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift, Layer) ;
if (MAwidth > 0)
PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
PlotOHLC(RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
showext = ParamToggle("Show Extension", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showextband = ParamToggle("Show Extension Band", "No|Yes", 1) ;
extend = Param("Extend", 20, 0, 100, 1) ;
showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;
if (showext)
x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
x1 = BarCount -1 ;
Hdlast = SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe) ;
Ldlast = SelectedValue(RefMAltfe) ;
Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
if (showextband)
PlotOHLC(HPlot, HPlot, LPlot, LPlot, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend,Layer ) ;
showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 0) ;
if (showparam)
y = (SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe)+ SelectedValue(RefMAltfe)) /2 ;
tfsd = tfs ;
if (tfsd < Interval())
tfsd = Interval() ;
str = "TF = " + NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P = " + NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;
usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 1) ;
// Author: Pratap Balakrishnan
// Copyright: All rights reserved. Not to be circulated or shared or posted on websites without the author's written permission.
// email id: [email protected]
This creates a band of period-moving average for the given TF
(TF should be equal to or higher than current chart TF).
alloff = ParamToggle("All off", "No|Yes", 0) ;
// Rh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
// Rl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;
tf = Param("TF", 3, 1, 100000, 1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 13, 2, 1000, 1 );
showzone = ParamToggle("Show Zone", "No|Yes", 1) ;
Layer = Param("Layer", -2, -5, 5, 1) ;
shift = Param("Shift", 0, -100, 100, 1) ;
showtitle = ParamToggle("Show Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;
isema = ParamToggle("MA Type", "MA|EMA", 1) ;
MAstyle = ParamStyle("MA Style", styleThick|styleDashed) ;
MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
Clrup = ParamColor( "Color Up", colorTurquoise);
Clrdown = ParamColor( "Color Down", colorRose);
Clrsw = ParamColor( "Color SW", colorLavender);
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 0);
styledisp = 0 ;
if (NOT showtitle)
styledisp |= styleNoTitle ;
if (NOT showlabel)
styledisp |= styleNoLabel ;
expandmode = expandFirst ;
if (isexpandLast)
expandmode = expandLast ;
if (NOT alloff)
Oldintrvl = Interval() ;
if (usetf)
tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;
tfs = Interval() ;
if (isema)
MAhtf = EMA(H, Periods) ;
MAhtf = MA(H, Periods) ;
if (isema)
MAltf = EMA(L, Periods) ;
MAltf = MA(L, Periods) ;
str = NumToStr(tf, 1.0)+"Min"+"-P"+NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
Clr = IIf(MAltf > Ref(MAltf, -1 ), ClrUp,
IIf(MAhtf < Ref(MAhtf, -1 ), ClrDown,
Clrsw)) ;
if (usetf)
TimeFrameRestore() ; //TimeFrameSet(Oldintrvl) ;
if (usetf)
MAhtfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAhtf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
MAhtfe = MAhtf ;
if (usetf)
MAltfe = TimeFrameExpand(MAltf, tfs, expandmode ) ;
MAltfe = MAltf ;
if (usetf)
Clre = TimeFrameExpand(Clr, tfs, expandmode ) ;
Clre = Clr ;
RefMAhtfe = MAhtfe ;
RefMAltfe = MAltfe ;
RefClre = Clre ;
Plot( RefMAhtfe, str+" High", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 );
Plot( RefMAltfe, str+" Low", RefClre, MAstyle|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0, 0, shift, 1 );
if (showzone)
PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe, RefMAhtfe, RefMAltfe, RefMAltfe, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift, Layer) ;
if (MAwidth > 0)
PlotOHLC(RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe+MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, RefMAhtfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
PlotOHLC(RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe+MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, RefMAltfe-MAwidth, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale,Null, Null, shift) ;
showext = ParamToggle("Show Extension", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showextband = ParamToggle("Show Extension Band", "No|Yes", 1) ;
extend = Param("Extend", 20, 0, 100, 1) ;
showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;
if (showext)
x0 = BarCount - (extend+1) ;
x1 = BarCount -1 ;
Hdlast = SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe) ;
Ldlast = SelectedValue(RefMAltfe) ;
Hplot = LineArray(x0, Hdlast, x1, Hdlast) ;
Plot(Hplot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
LPlot = LineArray(x0, Ldlast, x1, Ldlast) ;
Plot(LPlot, "", RefClre, styleLine|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend) ;
if (showextband)
PlotOHLC(HPlot, HPlot, LPlot, LPlot, "", RefClre, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|styledisp|styleNoRescale, 0,0,extend,Layer ) ;
showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 0) ;
if (showparam)
y = (SelectedValue(RefMAhtfe)+ SelectedValue(RefMAltfe)) /2 ;
tfsd = tfs ;
if (tfsd < Interval())
tfsd = Interval() ;
str = "TF = " + NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P = " + NumToStr(Periods, 1.0) ;
PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;