Simple Coding Help - No Promise.

Yes,but how to get there?In my traderjis message box this tag is missing.
Then, type it with your own hands!

To start, it must be opening square bracket [ followed by word CODE in capitals following by closing square bracket ]

To finish, it must be opening square bracket [ followed by back-slash / followed by word CODE in capitals following by closing square bracket ]


Well-Known Member
I am trying to use below afl on 10 min TF using expand command, but there is some mistake, Nifty 10 min ribbon becomes red at 1.10pm on 04.06.15 but when we see it on 5 min, ribbon for 10 min has become red at 12.40 pm itself instead of 1.10 pm

Seniors, please correct the code.

Nifty 5min chart

Nifty 10min chart

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
//Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

//p = Param("p",30,2,100,1);
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1), 1);
HaHigh = Max( Hm, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( Lm, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
slope = Param("slope",2,2,100,1);
Color20= IIf(LinRegSlope(MA(HaClose,a),slope)<0,colorRed,colorBlue);
Color=IIf(Haclose>MA(HaClose,a),colorBlue, colorRed);
PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaOpen, HaClose, HaClose, "" + Name(), color, styleCandle);


Plot(3, "", mycfly5, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);


tf=Param("Time Frame (min)",10,1,10,1);tfrm=in1Minute*tf;

//p2 = Param("p2",30,2,100,1);
HaOpen2 = AMA( Ref( HaClose2, -1), 1);
HaHigh2 = Max( Hm2, Max( HaClose2, HaOpen2 ) );
HaLow2 = Min( Lm2, Min( HaClose2, HaOpen2 ) );
slope2 = Param("slope",2,2,100,1);
Color= IIf(LinRegSlope(MA(HaClose2,a2),slope2)<0,colorRed,colorBlue);


      a2f = TimeFrameExpand(a2, tfrm);
 HaOpen2f = TimeFrameExpand(HaOpen2, tfrm);
 HaHigh2f = TimeFrameExpand(HaHigh2, tfrm);
  HaLow2f = TimeFrameExpand(HaLow2, tfrm);
Haclose2f = TimeFrameExpand(Haclose2, tfrm);

Color2=IIf(Haclose2f>MA(HaClose2f,a2f),colorSkyblue, colorPink);
//PlotOHLC( HaOpen2f, HaOpen2f, HaClose2f, HaClose2f, "" + Name(), color2, styleCandle);


Plot(9, "", mycfly10, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);


1. you do not need to put numeric values like a2 into timeframeset and then expand them. They are just scalars. Timeframeset is for arrays in other time frames.

2. you haven't put MA(HaClose2f ... ) into timeframeset.

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Op: %g Hi: %g Lo: %g Close: %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
//Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

GraphXSpace = 10;
p = 30;
//p = Param("p",30,2,100,1);
Om = DEMA( O, p );
hm = DEMA( H, p );
lm = DEMA( L, p );
Cm = DEMA( C, p );
HACLOSE = ( Om + Hm + Lm + Cm ) / 4;
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 1 );
HaHigh = Max( Hm, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( Lm, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
slope = Param( "slope", 2, 2, 100, 1 );
Color20 = IIf( LinRegSlope( MA( HaClose, a ), slope ) < 0, colorRed, colorBlue );
Color = IIf( Haclose > MA( HaClose, a ), colorBlue, colorRed );
SetBarFillColor( Color );
PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaOpen, HaClose, HaClose, "HAclose", color, styleCandle | styleNoTitle );

mycfly5 = IIf( Haclose > MA( HaClose, a ), colorBlue, IIf( Haclose < MA( HaClose, a ), colorRed, 31 ) );
Plot( 1, "", mycfly5, styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoLabel, 0, 30 );

SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates | chartWrapTitle );
_N( Title += StrFormat( "\n{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " +
                        EncodeColor( SelectedValue( Color ) ) + "HAOpen: %g HAClose: %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}",
                        HaOpen, HaClose, SelectedValue( ROC( HaClose, 1 ) ) ) );

tf = Param( "Time Frame (min)", 10, 1, 10, 1 );
tfrm = in1Minute * tf;

a2 = 20;
p2 = 30;
//p2 = Param("p2",30,2,100,1);
slope2 = Param( "slope", 2, 2, 100, 1 );


Om2 = DEMA( O, p2 );
hm2 = DEMA( H, p2 );
lm2 = DEMA( L, p2 );
Cm2 = DEMA( C, p2 );
HACLOSE2 = ( Om2 + Hm2 + Lm2 + Cm2 ) / 4;
HaOpen2 = AMA( Ref( HaClose2, -1 ), 1 );
HaHigh2 = Max( Hm2, Max( HaClose2, HaOpen2 ) );
HaLow2 = Min( Lm2, Min( HaClose2, HaOpen2 ) );
myMA = MA( HaClose2, a2 );

//Color = IIf( LinRegSlope( myMA, slope2 ) < 0, colorRed, colorBlue );


expandmode = expandLast;
HaOpen2f = TimeFrameExpand( HaOpen2, tfrm, expandmode );
HaHigh2f = TimeFrameExpand( HaHigh2, tfrm, expandmode );
HaLow2f = TimeFrameExpand( HaLow2, tfrm, expandmode );
Haclose2f = TimeFrameExpand( Haclose2, tfrm, expandmode );
myMA = TimeFrameExpand( myMA, tfrm, expandmode );
//Color = TimeFrameExpand( Color, tfrm, expandmode );

//Color2 = IIf( Haclose2f > myMA, colorSkyblue, colorPink );
//PlotOHLC( HaOpen2f, HaOpen2f, HaClose2f, HaClose2f, "" + Name(), color2, styleCandle);

mycfly10 = IIf( Haclose2f > myMA, colorBlue, IIf( Haclose2f < myMA, colorRed, 31 ) );
Plot( 2, "", mycfly10, styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoLabel, 0, 30 );

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
1. you do not need to put numeric values like a2 into timeframeset and then expand them. They are just scalars. Timeframeset is for arrays in other time frames.

2. you haven't put MA(HaClose2f ... ) into timeframeset.
Sorry Trash Sir I am not able to put MA(HaClose2f ... ) into timeframeset, can you please give me full code


Well-Known Member
Sorry Trash Sir I am not able to put MA(HaClose2f ... ) into timeframeset, can you please give me full code
@ NEhal

Do really read the help offered to u.
Do really try to learn from the help or just come here and post the similar request here again and want the ready made solution.

Please replace the First part in your code by the code following.

_SECTION_BEGIN("10min Earth");
tf=Param("Time Frame (min)",10,1,10,1);tfrm=in1Minute*tf;

VarT2	= ( High + Low + Close * 2 ) / 4;
BT2		= (EMA((VarT2 - LLV(VarT2,15))/(HHV(Low, 15) - LLV(VarT2, 15)), 2)) * 38;
BotT2	= (((-1)) * (EMA( (VarT2- LLV(VarT2,15) ) / (HHV(Low, 15)-LLV(VarT2, 15)), 2) + 0.01)) * 38;
Var2T2	= ((Close-LLV(Low, 10))/(HHV(High, 10)-LLV(Low, 10))) * 100;
Var3T2	= EMA(Var2T2, 10);
Var4T2	= EMA(Var3T2, 10);
Var5T2	= 3 * Var3T2 - 2 * Var4T2;
Var6T2	= EMA(Var5T2, 5);
BridgeT2 = EMA(Var6T2, 1);
myc2e=IIf(BridgeT2 > Ref(BridgeT2, -1),colorBlue,IIf(BridgeT2 < Ref(BridgeT2, -1),colorRed,31));

TimeFrameRestore() ;

BridgeT2f = TimeFrameExpand(BridgeT2, tfrm);

myc2ef=TimeFrameExpand(myc2e, tfrm);

Plot(6, "ribbon", myc2ef, styleOwnScale | styleArea|styleNoLabel, 0.1, 100);
This will solve your purpose.

But as u said u have no purpose except learning to solve the error

Here is the Explanation :

a). Bookish / Veteran Explanation :

Use HTF Variable in calculation when TF is set on HTF.

b). Simple Indepth explanation for normal human beings like me. :)

As in your code u have expanded the Higher Time frame (HTF) on Lower Time Frame (LTF).

For this u have expanded the variable "BridgeT2" to "BridgeT2f"
So u will have two bars of 5M in 1 bar of 10M.
and for coloring purpose u directly used expanded variable. so as per your coloring condition when the ref value is equal to current value (Comparing the two parts of one flat line of 10M) it is giving grey color output.

I hope u got it.
See tht was the similar request and the solution is given by me.
try to read it, understand it and now plz try to solve your problem of your own
can any one add backtest and exploration in below afl

p = param("p",30,2,100,1);
haopen = ama( ref( haclose, -1), 1);
hahigh = max( hm, max( haclose, haopen ) );
halow = min( lm, min( haclose, haopen ) );
slope = param("slope",2,2,100,1);
color20= iif(linregslope(ma(haclose,a),slope)<0,colorred,colorblue);
color=iif(haclose>ma(haclose,a),colorblue, colorred);
plotohlc( haopen, haopen, haclose, haclose, "" + name(), color, stylecandle);

buy=cover= cross(haclose,ma(haclose,a));
sell=short= cross(ma(haclose,a),haclose);

plotshapes(iif(buy, shapesquare, shapenone),colorgreen, 0, l, offset=-40);
plotshapes(iif(buy, shapesquare, shapenone),colorlime, 0,l, offset=-50);
plotshapes(iif(buy, shapeuparrow, shapenone),colorwhite, 0,l, offset=-45);
plotshapes(iif(sell, shapesquare, shapenone),colorred, 0, h, offset=40);
plotshapes(iif(sell, shapesquare, shapenone),colororange, 0,h, offset=50);
plotshapes(iif(sell, shapedownarrow, shapenone),colorwhite, 0,h, offset=-45);


_section_begin("kpl swing with n&m swing");

graphxspace = 5;
k = optimize("k",param("k",3,0.25,5,0.25),0.25,5,0.25);
per= optimize("atr",param("atr",10,3,20,1),3,20,1);
haopen = ama( ref( haclose, -1 ), 0.5 );
hahigh = max( h, max( haclose, haopen ) );
halow = min( l, min( haclose, haopen ) );

// set background gradient colours
setchartbkgradientfill( paramcolor("bgtop", colordarkgrey),paramcolor("bgbottom", colorlightgrey ),paramcolor("titleblock",colorwhite));
graphxspace = 5;


rfsctor = wma(h-l, per);

revers = k * rfsctor;

trend = 1;
nw[0] = 0;
nw[barcount-1] = null;

for(i = 1; i < barcount-1; i++)
if(trend[i-1] == 1)
if(j < nw[i-1])
trend = -1;
nw = j + revers;
trend = 1;
if((j - revers) > nw[i-1])
nw = j - revers;
nw = nw[i-1];
if(trend[i-1] == -1)
if(j > nw[i-1])
trend = 1;
nw = j - revers;
trend = -1;
if((j + revers) < nw[i-1])
nw = j + revers;
nw = nw[i-1];


//plot(nw, "", iif(trend == 1, 27, 4), 4);
//sell=exrem(sell,buy );


//nmab= nw<haclose;
//nmas= nw>haclose;
alertif( buy, "sound c:\\windows\\media\\buy.wav", "audio alert", 1,1+1 );
alertif( sell, "sound c:\\windows\\media\\sell.wav", "audio alert", 2,1+1 );

//nma_status= writeif(nmab, "buy mode", writeif(nmas, "sell mode", "neutral"));
//nmas_col=iif(nmab, colorgreen, iif(nmas, colorred, colorlightgrey));
//addcolumn( nw[barcount-1], "sar", 1.2 );
//addcolumn( haclose, "ha close", 1.2 );
//addcolumn( c, "close", 1.2 );
//addtextcolumn(nma_status, "mode", 1, colorwhite, nmas_col);
//addcolumn( datetime(), "date / time", formatdatetime );

if( status("action") == actionindicator )
title = encodecolor(colorblack)+ " - " + name() + " - " + encodecolor(colorred)+ interval(2) + encodecolor(colorblack) +
" - " + date() +" - "+"\n" +encodecolor(colorblack) +"op-"+o+" "+"hi-"+h+" "+"lo-"+l+" "+
"cl-"+c+" "+ "vol= "+ writeval(v)+"\n"+
writeif (buy , " go long / reverse signal at "+c+" ","")+
writeif (sell , " exit long / reverse signal at "+c+" ","")+"\n"+encodecolor(colorwhite)+
writeif(sell , "total profit/loss for the last trade rs."+(c-buyprice)+"","")+
writeif(buy , "total profit/loss for the last trade rs."+(sellprice-c)+"",""));
//writeif(long and not buy, "trade : Long - entry price rs."+(buyprice),"")+
//writeif(shrt and not sell, "trade : Short - entry price rs."+(sellprice),"")+"\n"+
//writeif(long and not buy, "current profit/loss rs."+(c-buyprice)+"","")+
//writeif(shrt and not sell, "current profit/loss rs."+(sellprice-c)+"",""));
//plotshapes(iif(buy, shapesquare, shapenone),colorgreen, 0, l, offset=-40);
//plotshapes(iif(buy, shapesquare, shapenone),colorlime, 0,l, offset=-50);
//plotshapes(iif(buy, shapeuparrow, shapenone),colorwhite, 0,l, offset=-45);
//plotshapes(iif(sell, shapesquare, shapenone),colorred, 0, h, offset=40);
//plotshapes(iif(sell, shapesquare, shapenone),colororange, 0,h, offset=50);
//plotshapes(iif(sell, shapedownarrow, shapenone),colorwhite, 0,h, offset=-45);


if(buy == 1)
entry = c;
sig = "buy";
sl = ref(nw,-1);
tar1 = entry + (entry * .0050);
tar2 = entry + (entry * .0092);
tar3 = entry + (entry * .0179);

bars = i;
i = 0;
if(sell == 1)
sig = "sell";
entry = c;
sl = ref(nw,-1);
tar1 = entry - (entry * .0060);
tar2 = entry - (entry * .0120);
tar3 = entry - (entry * .0220);

bars = i;
i = 0;
offset = 20;
//clr = iif(sig == "buy", colorlime, colorred);
//ssl = iif(bars == barcount-1, nw[barcount-1], ref(nw, -1));
//sl = ssl[barcount-1];

//plot(linearray(bars-offset, tar1, barcount, tar1,1), "", clr, styleline|styledots, null, null, offset);
//plot(linearray(bars-offset, tar2, barcount, tar2,1), "", clr, styleline|styledots, null, null, offset);
//plot(linearray(bars-offset, tar3, barcount, tar3,1), "", clr, styleline|styledots, null, null, offset);

messageboard = paramtoggle("message board","show|hide",1);
if (messageboard == 1 )
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 13, 100 );
gfxsetbkmode( 1 );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );

if ( sig =="buy")
gfxselectsolidbrush( colordarkgreen ); // this is the box background color
gfxselectsolidbrush( colordarkred ); // this is the box background color
pxheight = status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = status( "pxchartwidth");
left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 5;
x2 = 290;

y = pxheight;

gfxselectpen( colorgreen, 1); // broader color
gfxroundrect( x, y - 163, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
gfxtextout( (" amibroker trading system "),33,y-165);
gfxtextout( (" "),27,y-160);
gfxtextout( ("" + writeif(sig =="long",sig + " at ",sig + " @") + " : " + entry), 13, y-120);
//gfxtextout( ("trailing sl : " + sl + " (" + writeval(iif(sig == "sell",entry-sl,sl-entry), 2.2) + ")"), 13, y-100);
//gfxtextout( ("tgt:1 : " + tar1), 13, y -80);
//gfxtextout( ("tgt:2 : " + tar2), 13,y-60);
//gfxtextout( ("tgt:3 : " + tar3), 13,y-40);
gfxtextout( ("current profit : " + writeval(iif(sig == "buy",(c-entry),(entry-c)),2.2)+" points"), 13, y-100);;


_section_begin("background text");
c11=paramcolor("up panel",colorblack );
c12=paramcolor("dn panel",colorblack );
c13=param("fonts",20,10,30,1 );
c14=param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 );
c15=param("up-down",8,1,30,1 );
miny = status("axisminy");
maxy = status("axismaxy");
lvb = status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = status("firstvisiblebar");
pxwidth = status("pxwidth");
pxheight = status("pxheight");
gfxsetbkmode( 0 );
gfxselectfont("tahoma", 12, 500, false, false, 0);
gfxsettextalign( 6 );
gfxselectfont("tahoma", 15, 600, false, false, 0);
gfxsettextalign( 6 );
gfxtextout( "ltp "+writeval(c,1.2), status("pxwidth")/c14, status("pxheight")/c15);
gfxselectfont("tahoma", 12, 400, false, false, 0);
gfxselectfont("tahoma", 12, 400, false, false, 0);
gfxselectfont("tahoma", 12, 400, false, false, 0);
gfxselectfont("tahoma", 12, 400, false, false, 0);

vlp=param("volume lookback period",15,10,300,10);
st = stdev(vrg,vlp);
vp3 = vrg + 3*st;
vp2 = vrg + 2*st;;
vp1 = vrg + 1*st;;
vn1 = vrg -1*st;
vn2 = vrg -2*st;


gfxgradientrect( 1, 1, 1400, 40, colorgrey50, colordarkgrey);
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 16, 800, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorgold );
gfxtextout( name(), x+100, y+10 );
gfxselectfont( "century gothic", 15, 100, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( date(), x+600, y+10 );
gfxselectfont( "comic sans ms", 15, 500, false );
gfxsettextcolor( coloryellow );
gfxtextout( interval(2), x+275, y+10 );
gfxselectfont( "georgia", 18, 800, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "amibroker trading system ", x+1000, y+10 );

//------------------------------------------------------------ h, l, o, c----------------------
gfxgradientrect( 1, 40, 1400, 55, colorgrey50, colordarkgrey );
gfxselectfont( "areal", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "open:"+writeval(o,1.2), x+100, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "areal", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "high:"+writeval(h,1.2), x+200, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "areal", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "low:"+writeval(l,1.2), x+300, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "areal", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "close:"+writeval(c,1.2), x+400, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "script mt bold", 12, 100, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "by amibroker trading system ", x+1000, y+39 );
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorwhite );
gfxtextout( "volume="+writeval(v,1.2), x+500, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorlime );
gfxtextout( writeif(v>vp2,"very high",""), x+600, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorlime );
gfxtextout( writeif(v>vp1," high",""), x+600, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorlime );
gfxtextout( writeif(v>vrg,"above average",""), x+600, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorred );
gfxtextout( writeif(v<vrg and v>vn1,"less than average",""), x+600, y+40 );
gfxselectfont( "tahoma", 9, 200, false );
gfxsettextcolor( colorred );
gfxtextout( writeif(v<vn1,"low",""), x+600, y+40 );

nehal ji pls add bactest testing


Well-Known Member
I am copy paste coder in afl, I dont know much about coding, I tried my levels best, but could not solve, hence posted here

@ NEhal

Do really read the help offered to u.
Do really try to learn from the help or just come here and post the similar request here again and want the ready made solution.

See tht was the similar request and the solution is given by me.
try to read it, understand it and now plz try to solve your problem of your own
Does the ExRem function in a AFL ,
Short= ExRem(Short,Cover);
remove the excess Occurences only Visually & in BackTesting ?, And it has no effect on other pieces of codes in the AFL ? -->
like it has no effect on
SRngPrft= ShortPrice-C;
? Bcos "SRngPrft" takes a new "ShortPrice" whenever & wherever there is an Excess "SHORT Signal" wud hve occured (even when the excess "SHORT Signal" is NOT VISIBLE on the CHART or BACKTESTING Report).
Pls Guide to clear the Confusion and to overcome this issue.
Thank U All
Last edited:

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