Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II

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TP....they are not stitched...they are separate images uploaded to imgur and what has been posted are Large Thumbnails...I just have FastStone for cropping and some annotations....:)
Oh oh.. But it's a pain clicking to enlarge and view in a separate window.

FastStone, eh.. first time I heard of it. Will try if available for free download. Meanwhile do try Irfanview for various simple image operations.


Well-Known Member
Quadra Triggers dated 05/07/2012, Update of those that did become active on 06/07/2012 and the ones that did not, their Triggers have been re-calculated for 09/07/2012



Well-Known Member
Why the trigger values differ(other than last days high) for some of scrips such as ASAHI, BAJAJ-ELE...?
Some Triggers are re-calculated from experience where the Quadra Buy condition will still remain intact.... having said that....there is nothing wrong in following Quadra condition of buying little above the Previous Days HIGH....!!!

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