While having dinner I was reading...let me quote the guy:
Stocks, like individuals, have character and personality. Some are high-strung, nervous and jumpy; others are forthright, direct, logical. One comes to know and respect individual securities...
And I was like: God! Will I ever know them as individuals? All they do is to wink at me through blue and red windows!
This is going to be my last thought before I fall asleep.
Good night, Guys. May you all see your faces tomorrow evening and see this - a Green face with safed daant!
We might soon have that. Last week my friends relative died and they had video coverage for that just like marriages. Apparently this is a new fad.May be people want to remember their relatives in High Definition.
Few years back I went to my friend's house (his father died due to heart attack)
to offer my condolences to him, strangely enough many people were
discussing about Stock Markets.Needless to say that they belong to Gujarati