Tried doing Price Action trading with very small amounts to test but had no success.
The problem is that when the Bid Ask spread narrows to 5 paise, the price does increase by a few rupees but then it comes down again so you never know how far it will go. We can tell that price will jump but the quantum is not known unless you are looking to scalp a few rupees. Even that is difficult since price jumps and then comes back quickly.
Second problem is that for many stocks, the Bid Ask spread is already 5 paise so how do you tell?
Third problem is the Index so if the spread has narrowed but suddenly the Index starts going down, then that has a negative effect on the stock.
To me, there are a sequence of events with regards to Bid Ask that need to happen in addition to the narrowing of Bid Ask spread to 30-5 paise to effectively trade Price Action. Perhaps, when the spread has narrowed, it should stay there for a few minutes. And/or the buy quantity should be significantly larger than sell quantity. And/Or the stock should test a certain price but never break it....or it should pivot around a certain many things.... I tried everything...nothing worked....and very exhausting.....
What those sequence of events are is anybody's guess or if Mr SG would be so kind to elaborate on this....