Suggest A Broking House For Small Trader

hello, i am lukin 4 a broking house as i want 2 start intra day trading in commodities....i previously had an account wid angel broking but dey wer providing me wid a brokerage of 0.05 n den l8r reduced it 2 0.03 wid a lil negotiation...n nw dat aacount iz closed...i had dis account in the SION branch in mumbai...nw wen i want 2 strt my account again...da angel branch in Vashi, NAVI MUMBAI iz providin me wid a brokerage of 0.02...whch iz lesser dan i hv heard dat der r oder brokin houses also whch giv a brokerage of 0.01 or even 1/2 paisa N I INTEND 2 XPLORE DEM AS WELL...can any1 plz help me wid da information of such broking houses...n r dey safe n secure..??? do dey provide proper services..??? n lastly do these brokerage charge any xtra amt 4 da software dey provide....??
all suggestions n information wil b appreciated..
thx in advance...:)
sum1 plz rply its a bit urgent as i hv limited tym in hand....

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