suzlon energy - hold or sell?


Well-Known Member
please also make sure you but 4000 at 5 rupees
and 10000 at 2 rs also because those are also very cheap rates
He should buy 100000 at 0.10 paise aswell my friend! Great opportunity to earn money.

Stock trendy

Well-Known Member
He should buy 100000 at 0.10 paise aswell my friend! Great opportunity to earn money.
Good one why not buy till it become BIG 0..if you consider that is not
going to happen.... you are going make profit all the way by trading.. support will get 9 that makes 50% PROFIT
ON TRADE VALUE BROKER CHARGES MUST BE 1.50% delivery not more than that.
I have never traded this stock.. considering to do now..!!:thumb:
7.2 hurdle 9+ target 5.9 closing


Well-Known Member
That's what I hate about the markets. I never could understood what the lady does in short-term. :/ I rather keep my hands dry. ;)


Well-Known Member
Hehe jokes apart it does not mean that suzlon cannot bounce maybe it can.

For people interested in trading (technical) suzlon if a trade triggers on the long side ill let you know.Remember this is for trading so you have to getout for a loss if it does not work out

For now its wait and watch period, for a long trade to occur the stock 1st has to break the downtrend and give a powerful move to the upside. there is a volume spike into 7.2 so that will be the level to watch , is the stock bursts through this and say reaches 8 with volume then ill be looking to buy into pullbacks near the 7.5 and 7.3 levels I will have upside levels of 9 and 11 stoploss will be set below 7 so the theoretical risk reward for the trade is greater than 1:5 which would be pretty good.

If the stock goes below 6.4 from hewre on ill be looking for a similar ranger patter to form maybe near 4. So ill update this thread if and when a long trade triggers.


Well-Known Member
Last i heard your guru used to call it Mr. market ? When did this change ?:clap:
The US markets are a He. The Indian market is my lady. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Hehe jokes apart it does not mean that suzlon cannot bounce maybe it can.

For people interested in trading (technical) suzlon if a trade triggers on the long side ill let you know.Remember this is for trading so you have to getout for a loss if it does not work out

For now its wait and watch period, for a long trade to occur the stock 1st has to break the downtrend and give a powerful move to the upside. there is a volume spike into 7.2 so that will be the level to watch , is the stock bursts through this and say reaches 8 with volume then ill be looking to buy into pullbacks near the 7.5 and 7.3 levels I will have upside levels of 9 and 11 stoploss will be set below 7 so the theoretical risk reward for the trade is greater than 1:5 which would be pretty good.

If the stock goes below 6.4 from hewre on ill be looking for a similar ranger patter to form maybe near 4. So ill update this thread if and when a long trade triggers.
Yes, Just FYI.... Tom Demark's Buy Countdown and Setup have fully completed with entry signal raised on Thursday @ 6.75. Whether or not to trade is your decision.

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