Taming The Untamed


Well-Known Member
Can you please elaborate on the term ERL?
ERL means Earlier Reversal Line... which is used by saint sir.. in this thread of 30min miniflow ...you can say it is a swing break out(pivot break out) after confirming the change of trend...:)
Go through saint sir thread for more details
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Well-Known Member
Yes, ERL is Early Reversal Line, drawn on previous minor top in an uptrend and below previous minor bottom in a downtrend.

Isn't break of this line first indication of reversal?
if that is the case then it is late signal for sure..!!!!!{as per the image} Any person who know this concept has to answer...as this concept is not full in TJ


Well-Known Member
ERL means Earlier Reversal Line... which is used by saint sir.. in this thread of 30min miniflow ...you can say it is a swing break out(pivot break out) after confirming the change of trend...:)
Go through saint sir thread for more details
Yes, ERL is Early Reversal Line, drawn on previous minor top in an uptrend and below previous minor bottom in a downtrend.

Isn't break of this line first indication of reversal?
Found some references



Well-Known Member
Found some references

iam using this as aggressive entry and conservative entry setups .. as per many price action methods..

not known much regarding ERL and VRL ...... definition is required ?? for better understanding.....this are terms used by saint sir...


Well-Known Member
PH……………............Pivot High
PL………………..........Pivot Low

BPH……………..........Body Pivot High
BPL……………...........Body Pivot Low

ERL……………...........Early Reversal Line
VRL……………...........Visual Reversal Line
VisD...………….........Visual Distance

SB………………...........Spring Board Pattern

SOH……………...........Sitting On Hands.
EOM......................End of Move
EOD……………...........End of Day
LTF.......................Longer (Term) Time Frame
F or LF.................. Larger filter then normal filter
SL.........................Stop Loss
SAR.......................Stop And Reverse.

PH And PL:
Pivot High And Pivot Low.
PH and PL are our very basic and most important tools in flow trading. If not clear about them then I request you to go through the thread I mentioned in 1st post.

Body Pivot High And Body Pivot Low.
They simply are PH and PL made by the body of candle and not wick.
Usually we look for Body High of a bearish candle for BPH and Body Low of bullish candle for BPL.

VRL- Visual Reversal Line.
They are simple reversal points using BPH or BPL instead of PH or PL. That means hear we use body of candle and not the wick for SL or SAR. So in an Up move we use BPL and in Down Move we use BPH.

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ERL- Early Reversal Line.
Just like VRL this are also reversal points but here we are using BPH in case of Up Move and BPL in case of Down move for reversal. Now here we don't use every BPH or BPL as reversal point. There is a condition needed to be fulfilled before taking this points as ERLs. And that condition is there should be enough VisD(Visual Distance).

VisD - Visual Distance
Simple as name suggest. A distance from a particular point to another point. Here we need them to identify a valid ERL.Lets take an example of uptrend. Assume we are long.

Price Moves further up. New HHs and HLs. Giving us a rally.

Now price comes down a little. Gives us PH and BPH. Now at this point this BPH is our POTENTIAL ERL. Not even active or not even existing. But potential ERL. To be it an ERL, we need new high which breaks this BPH.

Now we’ve got new high which breaks BPH and makes it an ERL.

BUT…to be an active ERL we need strong close above this BPH. That means we require VisD. A distance from BPH to highest close made. Not necessarily in one bar. May be two or three. But we need a strong move crossing that BPH to make it an active ERL.

Active ERL

SOH……………...........Sitting On Hands.
Many times in Ambush or Miniflow we do not take any position. And waiting for proper place to enter. This we refer as SOH. Means not taken any position. We can be SOH in Ambush or Miniflow only. Not in 30 min flow. Which is always in trade method.
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EOM......................End of Move
Again mostly used in ambush and Miniflow. There are certain patterns which suggest that an ongoing move is nearing to its end. Like large bar with heavy volumes. Or bar closing at it's highest(lowst in case of down move). This signals indicating move is ending...we call them as EOM.
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EOD……………...........End of Day
End of Day means when trading day is nearing to end. That is around 3.25 pm. In Miniflow and ambush we close our position at EOD. That means we exit @ around 3.20-3.25 pm. Or in 30 min flow many times we need to reverse our position at that time. We call them as EOD reversal.
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LTF.......................Longer (Term) Time Frame
Time frame longer then the time frame we are trading. Like in ambush we take our trade in the direction of LTF which is 15/30/60 min. Or in 30 min flow we see LTF that is daily flow to deciede on number of Adds we can take.
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Source: Saint sir


Well-Known Member
Why one should trade the trend.....

Edwards and Magee ......
1. Stock prices tend to move in trends.
2. Volume goes with the trends.
3. A trend, once established, tends to continue in force.

In simple words,
1) Probability of moving the stock in the direction of the trend is very high.
2) Risk to reward ratio (RRR) in trends is very high as compared to trading range.

Once in a trend, the stock moves only in particular direction with minor corrections. Corrections are usually small as compared to with-trend direction move, so naturally stop-loss is small and this gives you RRR edge. Whereas, in trading range, targets are limited and stops are unclear. In trends, though the stock reverses from some resistance or support, it cracks most of the resistances or supports.
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