TCS view Traderji Members

Today I short Nifty@7439 to recover loss of TCS let see,my TGT 7275 , SL 7470

Reason of short : Did not breached Yesterday's high Today, & Risk reward is high

To do so, you need money to serve the margin to your broker as mentioned here from me in this post:

Now the idea and strategy is fine, what you showed, even I am still a bit surprised as you mentioned here about not having any money to do so: :D

As we know exactly what we do here in this forum, how far we go with giving free information in absolute details to who ever we do not know :D, I guess you want to teach now some stuff here from your side.


Take care / Dan​

To do so, you need money to serve the margin to your broker as mentioned here from me in this post:

Now the idea and strategy is fine, what you showed, even I am still a bit surprised as you mentioned here about not having any money to do so: :D

As we know exactly what we do here in this forum, how far we go with giving free information in absolute details to who ever we do not know :D, I guess you want to teach now some stuff here from your side.


Take care / Dan​
Dan Sir good point you raised, I had 3 (NF/BNF/TCS) short position at a time I booked all profit except TCS,Now I have enough money to take risk...and I re enter...hope I clear your complicated mind...:D

ps:Shall I PM my Trading LOG dan sir?
ps:Shall I PM my Trading LOG dan sir?
Thank you dear Wishmaster, but no need of this.

If you want, just move on by what you plan. As now every thing is cleared so far and we know where your sudden money comes from, I am sure you will do fine and surprise us with other, not expected informations.

What ever it will be, I am absolutely sure you will do your best. In case some questions rise in my mind and I may think I will even point it out, I also surely will do so.

Now I wish you a nice night and take care / Dan​
Today I short Nifty@7439 to recover loss of TCS let see,my TGT 7275 , SL 7470

Reason of short : Did not breached Yesterday's high Today, & Risk reward is high

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