Technical Trading - Futures & Options


Well-Known Member
Being a silent observer, here's a suggestion:

U were going so very right with ur Option Strategy..

Why do u have to change cards..

Continue with the same game buddy..!!

As some one has said..

Jack of all but masters of none..

NO point being one such..Expertise urself in one arena..!!
Hello Ankit. Thanks for your comments and thanks for visiting the thread again.

I haven't changed my strategy at all. The thread says Technical Trading - Futures and Options and today I traded futures. The methodology to take trades is the same for both and that is my gut feel and Open interest movement.


Well-Known Member
ok gr8...
if ur GUT feel is workiing so well.. congrats buddy..!! thumbs up..!!

And regarding ur open interest study, it seems from ur trade tht it is also workin gr8..!!

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