The Survivors!!

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Well-Known Member
Opening a thread that is dedicated to the guys still doggedly after the markets all these years,....dedicated to them but not restricted to them.... :D

Some of us have done well,some of us may be struggling,some have had their troubles and coming out of them,some have focussed on the research and development part and now getting ready to fire,some have made a tonne.....

To all of these guys,humble guys are on a Rodeo Bull called the Markets and whether you've been thrown off the Bull a 100 times or a 1000 times,you have not given up with the concept of Riding that Crazy Bull.Hats off!!

Have not been here in many years,and it is so nice to see many of these Survivors......... This thread is a mix of everything,it can range from Super sensible talk to Frivilous talk,from talking about methods to talking about failures and successes.

Open to the Survivors from the Past and to the wannabe Survivors........ we might have made a tonne of money,or maybe not...But we definitely have made a tonne of mistakes you don't need to repeat to succeed to cut short your Learning Curve. :)
Welcome Sir Saint. I cannot Say Welcome back because I was not there when you were active in TJ. Thanks for your Selfless work in TJ. Even after so many years, all the contents that you posted really made sense and makes sense even today. Hope you have would have now become Super Saint (Or the God) in Trading. I really don't know if you are really Saint. People who are trading and who like money cannot be Saints because God does not like Money. But you are a real "Saint" for all the selfless work that you have done to all the Traderji members. Hope you will be active and guide us like the Saintly guardian angel. Thanks a ton. Welcome once again.
Hi Saint, I saw the thread earlier but hadn't gotten to reading it. Was busy scraping myself off the floor :D..

Great minds think alike !!.. It was just last night that I was comparing the markets to a Rodeo Bull...

Great to have you around. Your presence will certainly enthuse the members and cool down the spammers and fight-pickers, and ensure continuance of all the free thinkers in the markets. May all their trading thoughts find their way in this forum :thumb::thumb:
Thanks for the welcome TP :)
Welcome Sir Saint. I cannot Say Welcome back because I was not there when you were active in TJ. Thanks for your Selfless work in TJ. Even after so many years, all the contents that you posted really made sense and makes sense even today. Hope you have would have now become Super Saint (Or the God) in Trading. I really don't know if you are really Saint. People who are trading and who like money cannot be Saints because God does not like Money. But you are a real "Saint" for all the selfless work that you have done to all the Traderji members. Hope you will be active and guide us like the Saintly guardian angel. Thanks a ton. Welcome once again.
Lol,not God,or Super Saint :D

Not even a Saint.....far from it.Just a name that got stuck a looooong time ago.

A certain aggression with a brutal,predatorial sense is required in trading and yet one needs to focus on the Processes,be in the Now,and not think of the what does that make us,Saintly Devils?Devilish Saints?Not sure... :D


Well-Known Member
good evening sir, i am new for tj. to be frankly i don't know as much about you. but within 3 hours a thread is very crazy posts reached half century that tells who you are and how many fans you have? in this thread all of them says welcome back. may i know why you leave? why you left your best freinds and fans? any way never leave us.
A certain aggression with a brutal,predatorial sense is required in trading and yet one needs to focus on the Processes,be in the Now,and not think of the Outcome......
Now I know what I have been doing wrong all these years !!.. I am too much of a nice guy.

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