The zero brokerage world wide wave: Robinhood


Well-Known Member
My friend, you might want to read 'Flash Boys' by Michael Lewis.. Your perception would change regarding this topic.. Read it and tell me what you think.. It's a wonderful book.. Very informative..
I have not read the book nor do i know much about this stuff, so take below with a big grain of salt.

I had only tried to scan information few months earlier to judge whether the book is worth it and from what i could gather its just another made-for-the-masses and consipricay-theory author. I could be wrong but anyway here and here are some reviews that maybe worth reading. There was more stuff but i dont want to search.
It seemed to me that author had many factually incorrect info in the book. HFT seems to have reduced slippage big time and driven market makers out.

Wont discuss anymore beyond this as i have not read / understood the subject and didnt find it worthwhile


Well-Known Member
My friend, you might want to read 'Flash Boys' by Michael Lewis.. Your perception would change regarding this topic.. Read it and tell me what you think.. It's a wonderful book.. Very informative..
Flash Boys is designed to sell. HFT is not evil at all. Lewis wants to fund his retirement account like all of us.

Check out the links in John Roberson's answer to this question. Isn't providing liquidity the economic function of traders?

Do check out the US markets in real time when you get a chance. Specially, HFT stocks BAC,C,MS,YHOO,CS. The spread and the volatility is so very low. And this does serve the institutions to reduce market impact. Vanguard has some research on it. We, as traders must embrace these advances. Also, check out Virtu which was planing an IPO but postponed it due to Lewis's book. They have filed their statements with the SEC. They have faced just one bad (loss making) day from 2009-2013.
Flash Boys is designed to sell. HFT is not evil at all. Lewis wants to fund his retirement account like all of us.

Check out the links in John Roberson's answer to this question. Isn't providing liquidity the economic function of traders?

Do check out the US markets in real time when you get a chance. Specially, HFT stocks BAC,C,MS,YHOO,CS. The spread and the volatility is so very low. And this does serve the institutions to reduce market impact. Vanguard has some research on it. We, as traders must embrace these advances. Also, check out Virtu which was planing an IPO but postponed it due to Lewis's book. They have filed their statements with the SEC. They have faced just one bad (loss making) day from 2009-2013.
Don't get me wrong, my fellow traders.. I have absolutely nothing against HFT.. I agree with you that it has made the market more liquid and the spreads will most certainly reduce due to it..

I'm merely pointing out that it very much possible for brokers to have revenue sources which are unknown to us..

There is no denying that such practices do take place in America.. If not,products like THOR would not have been required itself