Thought for the day


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Hampi is the famous ruins of Vijaynagar kingdom considered as World Heritage Centre.A place of antiquity situated between two rocky mountains dating back to pre-historic times, On one of the hills is the Fort consisting of a citadel guarded by outer lines of fortification.Covering an area of 10 square miles, it arouses unusual interest and curiosity in the visitors. Hampi is full of surprises. Lotus Mahal is a delightful two storeyed structure, a synthesis of both Hindu and Islamic culture. Elephant Stables is a row of eleven chambers which were once used for housing the elephants.
Vittala TempleThe temple houses the famous musical pillars. The British wanted to check the reason behind this wonder and so they had cut two pillars to check anything was there inside the pillars that was producing the sound. They had found nothing but hollow pillars. Even today we can see those pillars cut by the British

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