Thoughts on Day/Swing Trading Part 2


Well-Known Member

Hi Merchant,
Bit tied with personal chores , so right now not in position to post regularly, for sure when time permits will share my little knowledge on Al Brooks set ups. As I have no idea what all you read & trade, today giving you some idea about Measured move, this help us in remain in trade in strong trend as well as appropriate point for taking profits & exits. On my personal experience it works like charm on BNF, NIFTY , & in past also I tested on stock, there too it worked perfectly. Measured move can be calculated based on swing high/low, spikes, open of the day to High/low of day, range high/low, wedges ,double top/bottoms & other patterns.
From the calculation point of view we should take conservative figure first & if move continues then we can take larger targetfor e.g. calculate open & close first, then high & low & these calculations we need to do real time as per price action & accordingly we can adjust our targets.
Below is the chart of Hindalco for reference.
Yday we had gap down followed by two trend bars, a trend from open day, it tried to reverse but failed at 123.50..a b/o test , followed by prolonged sideways, then it broke down. Now see yday high was 124.5 & the low of 9.20 bar was 122.1. once 12.50 bar strongly broke its low , we can expect Measured move down based on HOD & the low of 9.20 bar, i.e. From A-B, 124.5-122.1= 2.4, points, so our expected swing target is around 119.7, that we got around 2 Pm, at C . You can observe after Measured move target it strongly broke the major trendline & was able to close above MA line, prior to that we dont have single close above MA, showing the strength of trend & the majority of player either exited in that zone or initiated the long.
From D-E, was good spike, so if we get follow-up this should be our first target, that we will look for today i.e. from 119.6- 121.15, 1.4-1.55point, i.e. 121.15+ 1.4= 122.55 at point F & Hindalclo topped there, showing the strength of prevailing trend .
Today also we had the bearish biases, and once it broke down our first target was from Point F-G, that we got on 13.05 bar at H, but it not reverse from there, so we can look for bigger target, since this move continues from Yday & yday we had strong spike down from I-J, so this is our next target, i.e. from 123-120.40 or 120.25, i.e.2.4, means 117.80- 60 zone, & today LOD was 117.85 & we got our target at K.

Similar kind of Measured move you can do for say in BNF today, today High was 11680 & first bar was strong trend bar & once market broke below it close we can expect the measured move, first bar close was 11555,
11680-11555= 125 point, 11555-125= 11430, today LOD was 11422 & you can see very strong reversal bar in BNF after hitting the target, also it was b/o test & filled the gap too.
Hope this might help.
good points...

Posting a chart of Nifty Futures 5 min .

We are in a short term downtrend and market attempted a rally today. The market tried to clear the morning top three times but was tired there printing small " doing nothing " bars.....once it broke the pivot low as marked, the weakness was clear .

Today looking for a VWAP long trade. ditooo:clap: stda sorry m asking stupid ques where to put s/l
No question is stupid , friendforevers0007.We all have many such questions at some stage of our career.

VWAP trades are momentum trades so the market has already got good momentum in the direction of the trade. Keep your stoploss at any pivot low in case you are trading a buy signal.



Well-Known Member
No question is stupid , friendforevers0007.We all have many such questions at some stage of our career.

VWAP trades are momentum trades so the market has already got good momentum in the direction of the trade. Keep your stoploss at any pivot low in case you are trading a buy signal.

Hello ST,

I have read Pivot's related but still i am not very much clear about Pivor low, high.

If possible can you explain how to get it, with any previous post also will do.
I would also like to know more about Pivot high and lows with example.I have been going with Saint's document but not able to understand reversal of trend with PH and PL.Hence if ST sir can provide more details with examples then that would be quite helpful.
can someone guide me how to trade infy i used orb 15 mins which i used most of the times in gap ups or gap downs which effectively works. but i need some more ideas to trade if i dont use orb seniors please guide
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Hello ST,

I have read Pivot's related but still i am not very much clear about Pivor low, high.

If possible can you explain how to get it, with any previous post also will do.
I would also like to know more about Pivot high and lows with example.I have been going with Saint's document but not able to understand reversal of trend with PH and PL.Hence if ST sir can provide more details with examples then that would be quite helpful.
Pivots are the points where market changes its direction atleast temporarily or the market halts there before proceeding in the direction of the trend. I have posted L & T 15 min chart and marked some important pivots on it ( not marked small or minor pivots.) Pivot Highs are shown as PH in blue and Pivot Lows are shown as PH in red.

All pivots do not change the trend. For a trend change from downtrend to uptrend we need series of higher lows and higher highs.

The chart hopefully will make concept of pivots clear.


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