Tool to dowload NSE EOD Data

Dear R61211,
Done good job for authenticate data from NSE and BSE.

Some minor questions:
1. Futures Data
2. Can download from MCX and NCDEX for commodities
3. If want more historical data, what is option?
4. Intradata is possible after market hours?

Dear r61211 , Thanks for the tool but pls can the data be downloaded directly to excel format using the tool . The columns in the excel format required would be the same as in csv data downloaded from NSE site by this tool.Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I have written a tool to download EOD data from NSE.
Tool converts the data into ACII format automatically, So that it can be imported to MS.

Tool can be found at
Hi r61211, first of all thanks for this utility. it going to help many of us.

But...... on this forum already there are many utilities doing the same thing. loading EoD data frm NSE.

why not u try to do something different.

I have some suggestion for u if u want to try it out.

1) getting delivery data frm NSE for those sscrips whch are getting traded in F&O also.

2) downloading EoD data from MCX .. if possible then limit to precious metal and crude oil.

3) if MCX is not possible then getting Gold data frm CBOT or DGCX.

already pkjha is working in this direction..... why not u also join him.

i hope my message will taken in right spirit.


Hi r61211, first of all thanks for this utility. it going to help many of us.

But...... on this forum already there are many utilities doing the same thing. loading EoD data frm NSE.

why not u try to do something different.

I have some suggestion for u if u want to try it out.

1) getting delivery data frm NSE for those sscrips whch are getting traded in F&O also.

2) downloading EoD data from MCX .. if possible then limit to precious metal and crude oil.

3) if MCX is not possible then getting Gold data frm CBOT or DGCX.

already pkjha is working in this direction..... why not u also join him.

i hope my message will taken in right spirit.


Sorry all , I was off the development & form for few months :(

Chintan, I donot know the logic for filtering the data, if u can explain me the logic, I donot have any problem in implementing it.
also I donot have any prob in joining some other development effort.


Well-Known Member
There are so many good developers in this forum working more or less on the same kind of softwares. My suggestion - why not make at least one such project open source, so that other knowledgeable members can also contribute? The collaborative effort can get things done faster & better.
