Tracking PUT CALL Open Interest


Well-Known Member
Hi AW10 / Murtaza,

Posting the Nifty chart for the last two sessions. Key points:

1. Falls are in larger volumes than rises

2. OI is tracking Nifty ie rise with Rise in nifty and Fall with every drop except

3. last half hour today shows negative co-relation

What does one read from this observation? Is this simply the "weekend no carry over" 's squaring off or more?



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Well-Known Member
Hi AW10

I track put call ratio on daily basis, and also every 2 hours during intraday.

Have notice a movement for second time is last 2 weeks and wanted to share my observation and need views on it.

Normally, although the movement of nifty is not completly based Put call ratio, if open interest value is incremental on Put then it is bullish and viceversa.

But today at 2:55 noticed completly opposite of it... Put reduced by almost
27% in 5000 and 5100 Put. Increased by 30% in call in 5100 and 5000.Immedeatly frm 3pm there started a move on upside thereafter shortcovering which took nifty to almost 30 points.( Which i mean includes premium on nifty futures)

Is this common thing which happens prior to short covering... juz wanted some views on this.



Well-Known Member

It seems some big operators , FIIs sniffed that Job data report will be good which will drive DOW on Friday & Nifty on Monday. This led to covering of short tracks by them & build up some long positions during last half an hour of trade on Friday. Since this was an unexpected development, it wasn't part of thoughtout strategy. I think original gameplan was to close Nifty around day's low but this sudden development made them cover their shorts in a hurry. I too went long during last 20 minutes & carrying them forward for Monday but it seems we may not have big gap up on Monday due to rising Dollar index.

Cheers !!!!


Well-Known Member
Talisman, That is one of the ground rule for option writers.. when they write OTM options.. with the intention that the option will expire worthless..
So to control risk for such high risk short position, they need to monitor that this option does come in the money (i.e. mkt goes against them). If that happens then it is time to take the loss and accept the mkt trend.

Hope it is clear now.
Happy Trading

Got the essence. Perfectly understood.
Thanks a lot for the explanation.



Well-Known Member
Hi AW10 / Murtaza,
Scorpio, scope of your chart is limited to NF and Futures OI. The rules for reading futures OI are quite straight forward... (I am sure u already know it, but still posting those rules for the benefit of others)..

There are 2 dimension to reading futures OI.. one is direction of price move to give us bullish or bearish interpretation.. and second is rise or fall in OI telling us whether new money is entering the mkt OR existing money is leaving the mkt. So if we put these two togather then we are in better position to know if the trend shown by price is supported by new money i.e has stregth.. or not it lacks the strength.

Standard rules are
1) prices rising + total open interest increases, => new money is flowing into the market reflecting aggressive buying, and is considered bullish
2) prices are rising + open interest is declining==> money is leaving the market i.e people are closing their prev trade and closing the trades hence the rally is primarily a result of short covering

3) prices are declining + open interest rises ==> new money is flowing into the market, reflecting aggressive new short selling i.e. bearish
4) Prices are declining + open interest declining ==> the price decline is being caused by losing longs being forced to liquidate their positions i.e long covering.

Now with this background let me interpret the chart posted by you.
Posting the Nifty chart for the last two sessions. Key points:

1. Falls are in larger volumes than rises
2. OI is tracking Nifty ie rise with Rise in nifty and Fall with every drop except
3. last half hour today shows negative co-relation

What does one read from this observation? Is this simply the "weekend no carry over" 's squaring off or more?


As you have mentioned, on majority of time, trend of OI is in sync with the NF direction. This is more obvious during the day. Near the end of the day, geneally Daytraders will windup their position so we will see drop in OI and rise in price.. i.e. divergence.. which u can around 3.00pm on both days.

On 4th, this divergence was much bigger and lasted for longer time.. i.e. obviously more traders came out from indicision shown by the mkt.. and reduced their weekend risk. There traders might have carried position on 3rd night.
As 3rd/4th was quite narrow days 80 points range compared to average of 100 points range.. I interpret it as that there was low participation of big smart players.. so most of the action was by day or swing traders or small smart money.

During the day, u might see this divergence in price and OI direction as advance indication of what is going to come.. observe the continuous increase in OI on 3rd between 13:00 to 14:00 when price was falling. There was high vol bar at 13:00. where bear have absorbed the demand (as per VSA concept).. And then price never crossed the high of this bar. This divergence was signal for the drop from lower High around 14:00.

This is how I will read this chart and interpret OI/volume/Price..Hope this helps.

Happy Trading


Well-Known Member
Hi AW10

I track put call ratio on daily basis, and also every 2 hours during intraday.

Have notice a movement for second time is last 2 weeks and wanted to share my observation and need views on it.

Normally, although the movement of nifty is not completly based Put call ratio, if open interest value is incremental on Put then it is bullish and viceversa.

But today at 2:55 noticed completly opposite of it... Put reduced by almost
27% in 5000 and 5100 Put. Increased by 30% in call in 5100 and 5000.Immedeatly frm 3pm there started a move on upside thereafter shortcovering which took nifty to almost 30 points.( Which i mean includes premium on nifty futures)

Is this common thing which happens prior to short covering... juz wanted some views on this.

Arun, IMO, what you have mentioned seems to be quite common SmartMoney approach.. To reduce Puts (i.e book profit or loss on prev short positions) and buy Calls when they are covering there shorts. Sort of Stop and Reverse approach.

But I would prefer to take bigger picture and also see what is happening on other strikes like 4900/5200 or next month as well.
Options PCR reading, atleast to me, sounds like a mystery which can get as complicated as we want. There are many other dimensions that can make this analysis more interesting like - action on other stikes (for spread type of position), action in next months strike, activities in Spot and Futures mkt.

Happy Trading

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