Trade my Money! (Conditions apply)


Active Member
Where can we see your previous trading performance before investment? I would gladly invest in some astute and qualified money manager but, words are not enough really..
And one more condition: Can you sing up to Hotforex PAMM platform and invest at least 1000 there? Then it would be fair deal

Galts Gulch

Well-Known Member
Sexy Trader!
To do what you suggest that means I have to trust you with your trading skills!
Are your past results independently audited?
Any way my model Is not really comparable to what you are saying
In my model I don;t care about your trading skills as I only offer leverage access that is all
You may not like to use it that is fine may be abigger prop firm wil give you a better deal or get a job with a bank or broker's internal trading team

but what you are suggesting is like most of so called "Experts" who claim to make big % per month when asked to put some money on table and also to prove past results they run away...
I have been approached by people who claim they make between 10 to 30% per month
Then I say to them ok so if you are that great a cost of 2-3% PM won't harm is doing cost of business -lets to the deal you trade a bigger account and keep 80/90 or even 100%
Then they fumble... run away
Any way if you are serious PM me if not forget it.
If it is Cost of doing Business, Why The Trader alone should pay it? :confused::confused::confused:
It is not the question of 2% or 3% or any % for that matter ...
And Why in Advance? You will say "What if the trades loses?" ... Trader says "What if I make profit and you do not pay?" ... You will say "let us sign agreement" ... Trader can / will also say the same thing "let us sign the agreement that you can deduct 2% from the profit I make and if I do not make profit, I will pay from my wallet" ... Will you agree?
Somewhere you mentioned your model is like bank's funding where in, their amount is secured and they charge interest as well. As far as the security is concerned, have you heard about banks writing off bad debts? Have you heard of Non Performing Assets on the loan accounts? Any and every business / investment comes with risk, bigger / smaller. If you are risking your capital, the trader is risking his time, efforts, energy etc. And banks charge interest after they fund the account, whereas You are expecting it to be transferred to your account in advance ....
You stay abroad, your bank account is in abroad, broker is abroad, trading account is in your name and naturally all withdrawals will come to your account ... If traders feels that the Business is highly (unequivocally) tilted in your favor, they are right ... They do not have control on anything ..
I'm willing to pay in advance :thumb:, but the broker has to be Indian, having office in India. It will be a tripartite agreement. Your profit comes to your bank account. My profit comes to my bank account. I transfer my share to the trading account (not to your bank account), you transfer your share to the trading account, not to my bank account.
Are you game? NO ... You will start about regulations, investor safety and all that ...


Active Member
nice scheme.

buddy, when you buy a mutual fund, does the Fund Manager pays you a fee to accept and manage your money?
Absolutely no need for that. Tying up 100 K and get 500 USD cashback from fund manager? Of course it's nonsense.

Maybe you're talking about penalty fee in case of early withdrawal? For example in Hotforex Pamm accounts where I've invested there is 2% penalty fee if withdrawn early than in rollover. Check this for example