Trade with options data

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Well-Known Member
Kiranjakka could you please put some light on the option data in starting of new series like May series started...
I think in starting days OI will only increase as ppl will take position.... Change in OI will be positive only in starting days... so we can look for less change in OI and judge the movement....
moneycontrol site shows data as follows:
Open Interest = Latest market Open Interest.
Open Interest Change = Increase or Decrease of Open Interest from Yesterday's "Open Interest".
Open Interest Change % = above "Open Interest Change" figure in %.

as per your given data, latest market OI(Open Interest) is 1,125,000 and OI change is -2,414,000. So you have to deduct(subtract) OI change from OI to get yesterday's OI. here 1,125,000 - (-2,414,000) = 3,539,000 so this is yesterday's OI. now you can calculate yesterday's 68.21% of OI is today's OI change!

If OI change is Positive number then for example: OI=300, OI change=200 then yesterday's OI was 300 - 200 =100.
Thankyou for clearing the concept. But I have another question , since options and futures expires in a month so should outstanding open contracts at the expiry be squared off and all contracts are closed.

In feb i had bought 1 lot of 5000 pe and the markets went around 5.5k and my put was some 70 rs at expiry and it was automatically squared off at closing. So I assume all contracts be closed at expiry or is there any other way to carry forward existing contracts to next month..
Thanks in advance. :)


Well-Known Member
all contracts be closed at expiry or is there any other way to carry forward existing contracts to next month..
each Future and Option contract has expiry date and it expires on the given date, it can not be carried forward but settled on the day of expiry at the settlement price decided by exchange but STT is being charged at 0.125%, you can confirm with your broker!
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