Traderji Members International Musik Box

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Well-Known Member
Ok, as the thread not was closed then lets move on with it. Happy that my other ongoing threads are closed, as I not have the time to watch them all the time and post. Posting some times is ok, but being in charge of certain threads in a serious matter is too heavy.

Now what will be shown today? Some thing you never have seen, include me, as this is the first music video which really was made out side from earth. Sounds crazy, but just check it.

The original song was from David Bowie's: Space Oddity in 1969 Now this astronaut: Commander Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station decided before he leaves the place for ever to make the following music video and I love his idea, even the music is not at its best. But I love the idea and the heart he has given to it, specially seeing how it looks inside the space station and the possibility for us on earth to get a little feeling how it may could be to leave out there. Here we go:
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