Traderji Twitter : Debarghya Mukherjee

Re: Traderji Nukkad

If members want all off-topic posts also ( which does not mean arrogant posts) they can start a new thread ...we have a chit chat section for that.We can open a new thread called " Nifty 50 Futures....Nukkad"
Mukherjee had a great idea in starting this thread. Maybe if he doesn't mind doing away with the 200 character limit, and the Mods move this thread to general chit chat section, then we already have a Nukkad, for everything (not only Nifty 50 futures). For starters, let's divert this topic from Sudoku's thread to here.

It is my request my Traderji friends and other members to use this thread as our Trading Twitter.

We will post our tweet ( small thoughts) all the day long here. Every body can post and can comments here.

Please keep your comments with in 200 characters. Let the ZEAL remains.

Short sentence of thoughts for traders. :)

let starts then....

PS : Goodness, ST, that word, "Nukkad" bring on a smile, and reminds of a place close to heart :)
Bringing all those posts from Sudoku's thread here. Will delete my post in that thread too. Maybe some others would do the same.
All members are requested to please do not make this thread a DUSTBIN, leave it solely for SODOKU's view and targets, comment only on sudoku's views & target if necessary...

Kyunki sudoku ka target aur trend>up/dn dhodhane mein bahut jayda khojna padta hai.... I hope you understand guys.....
Nope. If you are looking for posts from a single member, just click on member name, and pick the option to see all posts by that member. While I agree that sometime this thread has bonus material, lot of the bonus information is related to nifty.
Nope... you didnt understand me.... I am saying that give your valuable/reasonable views on nifty/markets only... unnecessary off the topic discussions are needless... hope you understand... :D
Nope again... we dont understand & frankly we do not want to & u first go & check the meaning of "Dustbin"

Its good ppl are interacting here & making it alive not monotonus

Bhai, I don't know about others but my intelligence gets insulted when I read now and then that we should not make this thread dustbin or whatever. Frankly, I have utmost contempt/pity for these people who have been trading since ice age, and still need someone's levels or forecasts to trade - and on top, they have the temerity to stand on a high ground and preach what we should or not.

So, let's cut the chase and come to the point. You write a post, stating clearly whether on your thread you want us to discuss anything under the sun as freely as we do or not. No ifs and buts. No conditions whatsoever. Just plain YES or NO.

I whole heartedly agree.
And thanks to Eagle. No one could have put it more clearly than you.
NF, this thread is far from a dustbin. The popularity hinges largely on the community spirit of this thread.
I'm sure if Sudoku did not like some of the sideshows that go on here, he would speak up.
I'm also confident enough that most everyone here would be respectful enough to respect his wishes if he said anything.
I don't want to sound impolite here. Most threads in this forum I don't visit because they are not what I like. The same goes for anyone visiting this one. You don't have to visit it if you don't like the material being presented, and that includes the sideshows.

We also can find something to rant about. I'm not an FA kind of person. I'm also not Indian. Look at all the FA conversation that comes up in this thread and all the Indian language.
You know what? I still enjoy coming here.
Kick your shoes off. Stick around. Have a good time.

Now, after saying all that, I hope you understand.
NF, I really don't like the idea of feeling like I have to be in a straight jacket. The core direction of this thread is Nifty, but my goodness! If I just happen to talk about Tucker I would not want the TJ patrol to come along, put the handcuffs on me and walk me out of here.
BTW, if you ever start a thread, I will understand your wishes. I'd like to give you a visit one of these days. And I promise, I will never mention that "T" word in your thread.
Now, I'm playing "Dust in the Wind". But singing it using the words, "dust in the bin".

Sorry, having too much fun now.
Yep, Eagle flew to the rescue again.

You know what gets me to laughing (LOL, you got to be here.). One simple comment like that, and now we are going to have 3-4 pages of this digression.
This thread is the best soap opera on traderji with regular informations on Nifty future trend. As each thread has his own concept, this one here works well.

In todays episode NF, which I respect a lot, was the mugged one and who will it be in the next episode?

We will see.
LOL, we're all friends. I hope he took that way.
...and out comes LTT. Followed by ST. Results in DELETE!
We normally dont intervene unless the situation needs our intervention. TJ mods are considered to be very liberal and we dont like policing....but we have a job to do and if that requires deleting some post be sure we will not hesitate doing that at all.....

But if everyone follows good behaviour ,we hope we dont have to intervene too often.

This off topic drama is happening too often and lets keep in mind that some 6 pages were chopped out of this thread recently.
I am having a major rethink on this, since I would hate to see another 6 page chop.
Why should I post if it's going to be deleted??

Sudoku doesn't mind what is posted, but does everyone else take it in the same spirit??
I am not in favour of so many fun-making posts.
at least i am not here in traderji to look at 80% fun and 20% trading.
i favour the mix of 90% trading and 10% fun.
Agreed :thumb:

My thoughts exactly, Taurus. I have better use of my time than to indulge in this kids' fight over marbles. If Sudoku doesn't come out then I am not dying to write on his thread.
I like TJ, I like the fact that some of the coolest guys here come together and talk, chat and laugh. However, notwithstanding ST's prudent clarification above, I wouldn't bother writing on TJ at all if my posts were to get summarily deleted. It pains to see your life's moments get wiped out this way. Hell, if opening a thread on a forum is 4 click game, so is having a blog site. :cool:

From my side, this topic is finished - right here, right now. If no word from Sudoku, then it is bye bye to this thread. Let's see how it pans out.

Good night everyone.
Okay, Special Entry by Invitation - thanks to E1 :D

First, let us not get disturbed or irritated by what gets written on this thread, unless it gets personally abusive/ targeted at a particular person.

Second, let us restrain from using harsh words like Dustbin, etc.

Till date, Sudoku has not stopped anybody from writing whatever in his thread - and I sincerely appreciate this quality of his. :clapping:

This thread has its importance not only because of Sudoku''s silence or trends, but also because of its participants in varied forms with variety of writing.

If E1 can write his free random thoughts and he expects almost an unconditional freedom, Casper expects a freedom for his cartoons, Taurus for his cliparts, 4xpip for his Tucker talk, then, LTT, or NF, or XYZ have the freedom to do the policing talk too :lol:

Let us allow the people responsible to decide on what the limit is, and warn when we go beyond.

Else, the best solution to this, Sudoku agreeing, would be to move this thread to the General Section, and rename "Nifty Trends + Misc Gossip" :rofl:
Anybody looking for this would have to dig more than 10 pages back....!!!
Thanks Sudoku1 for:

1. Breaking the silence

2. Respecting the forum rules

3. Being yourself

4. Not beating around the bush

5. Ending the stand-off.

Considering the recent brouhaha in Sudoku1's thread, I reiterate my suggestion for keeping the chat room open in off-market hours.

Yes, this is not a general chit chat forum. Yes, this is a forum where topics related to money matters are discussed. But over time there is bonding among the members. Also, sometimes familiarity breeds contempt. Over time, members want to expand their relationship beyond finance - be it Manohar's health, or E-1's pictures of his surroundings, or Casper's shooting incident, or Paul's kicking off shoes and putting up feet or SG's weekend puzzles.

And this familiarity is the reason why such posts are found anywhere, regardless of the topic of the thread - just as you wouldn't think it necessary to knock before entering a friend's room.

And the off-market hours, the members are so used to hanging around here that they won't think of going anywhere else (other forums, I mean). We want to discuss everything here, and may feel bad if the Mods steer us back to finance related discussions or delete irrelevant stuff.

So, the chat-room will serve the function of a safety valve.


OTOH, there must be many members who feel that the trivia gets too far from the topic which they expected to study.

So, the members wishing to frequently post off-topic stuff should start their own threads in general chit-chat section, and no hard feelings either way.
Murthy, sorry, I do not mean to point a finger or hurt you in any manner, but, just to cite an example, if somebody says do not talk anything other than Nifty or its trends, or analysis, then even this post of yours does not belong here.

Timepass, you suggested Chat - but we need something to look back to, quote, and then gossip or talk about.

Like a ruminant, we want to regurgitate, and chew upon the cud leisurely. :rofl:
ST, I know that from personal experience. I had garbage posted in my thread, and you guys have been very good at taking action. Yet, I'm one that sincerely appreciates your liberality along these lines. The topic is what it is, but I also like some of the freedom.
Again, there must be a reason for the popularity of this thread.
vinst ... i was exactly like you a year back. if you read up some of my early posts, you will be surprised. and it is not a question of time mellowing you down ... nope ... it is actually that the camaraderie grows on you over time. wait for it ...
Santoshbhai, sometimes that camaraderie results in a thread being derailed (even if temporarily). I remember this dialogue from some movie "If an alien visited the earth, he may think that the automobile is the dominant life form on this planet".

Timepass, I look at it like this, and even if the mods want to jump in and correct me, they can.
The number 1 person I have respect for in visiting any thread is the op. I think the op is the one that sets the tenor for the thread, especially one with the quality as this one.
I hope this was not truly viewed as a brouhaha. I know NF shared his views, then most people disagreed with him. Nevertheless, I would love for him to start a thread. The implication on his part would be to never go off topic. He probably would not have that popular of a thread, but I would love to discuss the content in his thread while still showing him the proper respect.

Now I feel I'm taking up to much room on this topic, so I will do my best to gracefully bow out of this subject matter.
Oh update on Nifty is coming.
Sure, Paul we are all for some freedom , and I have myself made some light posts in many threads....but they are never arrogant, abrasive, demeaning, bullying others. We have overtime developed friendship with many of the members.....and we welcome light posts like Casper's cartoons, EagleOne's photographs, Sudoku's oneliners....but there should not be fights, unnecessary nasty references, and the tone should be of light fun and not bullying other members.

The members of this thread are fully aware of the circumstances which led to deletion of some 6-7 pages full of fighting posts last time. These posts were deleted by giving an intimation in the thread and both side's posts were if someone finds it high handed and curtailing their freedom, so be it.....also many did not think of the time they wasted in these fights but when these posts are deleted, they feel their precious time is wasted.....are they sure that they wanted to keep all those posts for coming generation to read ??

Posting on TJ or not posting is indivisual call....but I have received complaints from members that this thread is going too off topic and Mods need to do something about it. And these members are not from any side of the fights,. Do we tell these members that few people want unlimited and unhindered freedom so bare with them....??

If someone wants to stop posting on TJ it is his decision.....if opening a thread is 4 clicks job, deleting a post is 1 click job....but we are not trigger happy and we dont want to disturb a thread unnecessarily .....but that should not be considered as our weakness and inability to deal with it firmly ....irrespective of the persons involved.

If members want all off-topic posts also ( which does not mean arrogant posts) they can start a new thread ...we have a chit chat section for that.We can open a new thread called " Nifty 50 Futures....Nukkad" or something as they deem fit ....and all can post all kind of off topic posts 100 % there......we will help by transferring all such posts from here to that thread.

Having wasted enough time on this hope the sanity will prevail in this thread....

We have many options to deal with this kind of situation.....hope that we are not forced to use any of them and this thread continues properly.


If only people realized this, I wouldn't have posted my above first post
in this thread!
I think that might be wise ... "Nifty Hangout" is my proposal.

However, I have seen that sometimes people take too much "ownership" of these threads. So I am not going to open in my name and do the same. And I will request that a mod create such a thread with the commentary that this thread is unmoderated in terms of content and the moderation will be only for abusive content.
The member may be looked upon as the thread owner, but the site owner pays the bills. And the site owner has to ensure the goodwill of existing members as well as new members as well as the guests. You will find that many guests surf this site without registering. I myself did it for more than 6 months before joining. Threads going off topic/derailed can result in disinterest from visitors.
Re: Traderji Nukkad

Thanks a lot. :clapping:

Mukherjee had a great idea in starting this thread. Maybe if he doesn't mind doing away with the 200 character limit, and the Mods move this thread to general chit chat section, then we already have a Nukkad, for everything (not only Nifty 50 futures). For starters, let's divert this topic from Sudoku's thread to here.

PS : Goodness, ST, that word, "Nukkad" bring on a smile, and reminds of a place close to heart :)
I think this thread must be shifted to Chit Chat section.
I don't think so. Because I made this thread to post technical and fundamental instant thoughts at trading time. :cool:

I think this thread must be shifted to Chit Chat section.
hello , aap market hours mai aaap ki method se sab ko inform karte rahe to kaisa hoga................. aaap nifty or jo stock mai intrday mai aap ke method se buy /sell sure hota wo stock /nifty level yaha per live update kare to kaisa rahe ga..? or aaap ka online koi id add ho wo use karo sab ko aad karo or jsut send them mail like fee base adviser do .. sory ager kuch jadya bola ho to per plz do some for tradji frds..

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