Hi all,
Want to share my experience of using robot system. when i run the system, it gave a buy signal at say 4750 with 2-3 tgt and sl as 4725 ( levels given are for example only and not exact levels ) when LTP was 4752, buy call activated. after 2-3 min i started the system without closing the first, and it gave sell signal at 4755 with 2-3 tgt and sl 4780.
How can same system can be long and short at the same time without hitting the sl. It means if two person login at a 3-4 min time difference first one will get buy signal while second one will get sell signal. i think it gives different signal at different times. not necesarily opposite it can be of same direction but with diffrent levels. But to me it gave buy and sell both.
if anyone using robot system, correct me if i am wrong.