Trading the trend

Well..every active trader knows all these concepts put by saint in TSF and any other"sir" has hardly anything to do with this...
Do not bother about my trading. I am certainly in better shape than you and so called your one lot mentors who have hell of time to copy and paste.

Chapter is closed for me.

I think you have the only work ......

WE respect Saint more than u....I already have given full credit to saint sir, smart_trade sir & other seniors for all these basics.....

I think u are not aware with the meaning of word " invention".

pivots, wrbs,trends all these are traded world wide how can u say these are invention of any one person....

I think tomorrow you will say u r copying albrooks, we are discussing here gann angles, wolf waves, bollinger band & even implenting them according to our strategy ....

I expect all these from ppl like u , bcoz they do everything except trading....

carry on....


Well-Known Member

Support is the price level at which demand is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from declining further. The logic dictates that as the price declines towards support and gets cheaper, buyers become more inclined to buy and sellers become less inclined to sell. By the time the price reaches the support level, it is believed that demand will overcome supply and prevent the price from falling below support.

Resistance is the price level at which selling is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from rising further. The logic dictates that as the price advances towards resistance, sellers become more inclined to sell and buyers become less inclined to buy. By the time the price reaches the resistance level, it is believed that supply will overcome demand and prevent the price from rising above resistance.

Support & resistance levels play very important role in reversal of market...
Well..every active trader knows all these concepts put by saint in TSF and any other"sir" has hardly anything to do with this...
Do not bother about my trading. I am certainly in better shape than you and so called your one lot mentors who have hell of time to copy and paste.

Chapter is closed for me.
You do not know that many have contributed their knowledge and time in TSF along with Saint.

If you are referring to me as one lot trader, then thank you very much for calling me a trader...atleast you accepted that I trade.

If copy paste is also for me, please show me the copy paste as I have not copy pasted anything either from internet or any other forums. All my posts are typed by me on my computer keyboard so that charge is totally false...

I am also not mentoring anyone.



Well-Known Member
IMO,This thread should be immediately closed. Encouraging Copy, pasting without permission from TSF is unethical. Vikas21 is just changing pivot names as if all is his invention and that too not in right spirit. Desperate people...carry on...Now I understand why Saint left TJ.
As TSF is closed, how could there be any copy paste from that forum?

And if TSF will be closed for ever, what will be with all the work others have done to fill that forum?

Dear Vikas, please move on with what you do. I think you do good and you not have to think about such comments.
1. Continue this thread..... it is always good to learn basics again and again....

2. No Critics required, there s no warren buffet,,,, he he, ( he (Buffet in one of his article) was talking about Maths axioms when applying to markets) freak! tough to interpret in a way he presents his arguments..., ,,,,,,,,,,,,we all are learner

3. I don't know how to add charts, i'll learn this weekend and get ready for charts ( i ll challenge all the arguments made by Vikas and ST)

Let s learn!


Well-Known Member

1. point 1 previous support

2. point 2 , price taking strong support at previous support level, more than 3 weeks in that range...

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