I dunno the concept of spending Tax payers money or the fund for welfare developments diverted to rescue some huge frauds like satyam. Agreed that 53000 employees need to be saved but @ wat cost ? All this bailout / rescue package & all why been given to ppl who make crime / mistakes? Ultimately its people money - how it can be given as bailout / rescue fund?
I never accept the concept of Err is Human - It is the duty of highly paid autocrats to be a watchdog of these companies.
If there is a failure in the system alone we will look in to it. Rather than this, why shudnt we build a robust system with top level penalty laws in place.
Already in the name of secularism & peace already we are losing our lives to fellow terrorists.
Ultimately fellow middle class tax payers are screwed & big Bs who evade taxes with the help of auditors are always enjoying.
Why cant we pullout the so called blackmoney in swiss & save our economy?
For all these fallouts there is always a political bribery in the background it seems. Hav we ever punished a bribed politician ? even if we found some of our nethaas bribing during election time, the chief election commission will only warn rather than punishing. Does the same law applicable to ordinary citizen ?
We dont hav any system like Indonesia / malaysia where student organisations wil revolt if political ppl misguide/corrupt the soceity. I am not here to bring revolt but all i need is peaceful India.i want unity among ourself as Indian.
When a bill is passed for govt employee salary hike, govt will tell n number of reasons. and even we fellow ppl will criticise the function of govt organisations.Think a minute. does the same justification given to our MLA MP salary hike? when our hon'ble president reject a bill - our fellow politicians bypass him & get it passed.We dont have guts to bring a change in political scenario.
Am not looking for bethlehem star, to myself i wish to be a true citizen to my best level.
PS:some of my viewsmay be wrong but not my feelings