Trading With CrossOver And BB

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Re: Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II

Now The Question In My Mind Is, ...........Here We Are Not Talking About The Lower BB Being Pierced Followed By A Green Bar Rule.

Happy & Safer Investing



that is the problem. In fact, in some cases BBs have given the buy signal today, where as MA has given sell signal. for eg.Hindunilvr.

Anant has to solve this.


Well-Known Member
Re: Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II


that is the problem. In fact, in some cases BBs have given the buy signal today, where as MA has given sell signal. for eg.Hindunilvr.

Anant has to solve this.
Hi Prasadam,

Thanks for your inputs regarding BB piercing. Before I put my views in general, I will take a few cases you have mentioned.

If you see my earlier post wherein I have given the triggers for 08-09-09. In the list I had given that the following Buy triggers need confirmation: ACC, HCC, KFA, KOTAKBANK, LITL, NEYVELILIG, SAIL, SUNPHARMA, TATACHEM. You can see now that none of these were confirmed. So ACC is a failed BUY and hence its Sell trigger has no meaning.

I also have doubt about the Sell trigger. In fact I did not mention it yesterdy. Though there is a SELL trigger, the bar is having higher low compared to previous one (actually it is an inside day bar) and closed near to the high and is a green bar (Close > Open). The bar is also near the support level (Just above). All these suggest a recovery and it is worth postponing the Sell execution. Let us see how it goes. The market is about to open.



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Re: Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II

There are still some programming rules that we would collectively need to decide and play around with for achieving what Savant is saying here.

Some considerations for further discussions

1. Does the red/green bar piercing of the upper BB trigger a full or partial exit? I prefer a full exit but that is for nimble traders since you might have to get back in trade the next day or so.

2. When do we get back into trade? Many times, it might not reach the lower BB or when it has reached the lower BB, it would be also closed well below the 20EMA and hence our "20EMA system" may contradict the BBs findings. In case the price continues to be above 20EMA, we should let the consolidation make a lower high daily pivot first and whenever that pivot gets taken out on a closing basis, we can re-enter trade. In case the price is below 20EMA, we can wait for the 20EMA crossing to happen first. Someone would need to visually eyeball these strategies across stocks to see how we can modify this?

This is more a question of saying - what is my primary indicator - in this case we are leaning towards the EMA being the primary indicator and using BBs for offloading during temporary weakness.

Hi Prasad,

BB As Mentioned Earlier While It Is Extremely Underrated, Is Still A Very Powerful Indicator.....While My Belief In The Same Is Undimished, Your Charts Should Further Be Useful To Those Who Still Are Shaky About It.

Friends Who Do Follow The Triggers Posted By Anant & Myself...Can Always Exit Appropriately, Where Even A Charting Software Is Not Required By Them....As Long As They Have Access To Internet...They Can Use The Several Free Online Charting Service Available...Including Yahoo Finance.

Anant Has Already Included BB In His AFL.....Whether, A Report Can Be Generated, Besides Just Visually Eyeballing The Chart To Look For A Red Bar Immediately After A Green Bar Piercing For A Temporary Exit....It Is Best Left To Anant To Answer That Since I Have No Programming Experience.

Now The Question In My Mind Is, If All The Above Can Be Done & Price Does Come Down...A Bit, To Consolidate For A Few Days...To Move Up Again...When Do We Give The Buy Trigger Again.......Here We Are Not Talking About The Lower BB Being Pierced Followed By A Green Bar Rule.

Happy & Safer Investing



Well-Known Member
Re: Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II



Any suggestion on incorporating these rules are welcome. Also, please suggest any other improvements that can be added.


Instead of telling that a particular Sell trigger was already there few days back, please post as soon as you recognise them.


Hi Anant,

Before suggesting any thing, I would like to say that I am an intra day trader using MA cross over & BB as one of my methods and never tracked any of the triggers posted here by either SG or Anant. I happened to visit this thread some three days back to help out a newbie who is asking for some tips by providing the link to this thread and was impressed by the work being done here.

So, I may not be able to track the triggers and post the results on day to day basis.

As can be seen from the charts posted by Kenneth, BB is included in the AFL. So, while updating the triggers every day, you can as well see whether BB piercing is happening or not.

As far as suggestions for improvement is concerned,

Since the MA used is 20MA, consider using 20,2 settings for BB and when BB piercing happens, consider partial / total exit and re-enter when price approaches 20 MA.

Instead of telling that a particular Sell trigger was already there few days back, please post as soon as you recognise them.
If this statement is intended to convey a different meaning, then, please excuse me.


Well-Known Member
Re: Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II

Hi Anant,

If this statement is intended to convey a different meaning, then, please excuse me.
Hi Prasad,

It was not conveying a different meaning. I really merant that if you can post the BB crossing as soon as it happens, it would be of great help in validating the actual Signal which would be generated later.

As you have made it clear that it may not be possible for you to follow these short/medium term triggers, some one else who is well versed with the BB technique can contribute.

However, whenever time permits do visit this thread and give your valuable inputs.

Meanwhile, I will try to understand technique of BB. May I post any queries in the Cross-over and BB thread for getting your valuable advice? I am asking this because as you mentioned, you are in day-trading and I don't know whether the same rules hold for the type of triggers I am experimenting with. Also, would it be appropriate to mix up the queries on EOD based technique in a thread meant for intr-day techniques?

I will try to follow your suggestions that you have given in your post.

Thank you very much.



Well-Known Member
Re: Stocks To Keep A Close Eye On - Chapter II

hi Anant.

The great river (S.G.) is beside you only. why ask for well's water.

In fact what ever I am following is taught by SG only.

This post of SG will clear your doubt regarding applicability on diff. time frames.

Thank You ! Thank You !! Thank You !!! Doc & Prasad For Starting This Thread, It Should Prove To Be Of Great Help To Everbody.

Balram, Like Prasad Said, Yes It Can Be Used For Any Time Frame, Infact There Are Some Charts Posted By Me In The Other Thread Many Many Moons Ago, All EOD, Basically That Is What The Basis Of My System Has Been.

Happy & Safer Trading

that said, It would be my pleasure to be of assistance when ever required.

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