buy at bottom and sell at top thats the money making formula we all know ,
but still why almost all among us use to short at bottom and buy at top .
recently when market gone through corrections due to dubai news everyone else started buying puts as prices recovered all are averaging their rates .
i don't think i m in a position to suggest anything to anyone but still i would like to make some sort of suggestions .
1) use either the technical , or fundamental or the tukka analysis . but avoid making KHICHRI of all these , if using technicals then stay on positions as it is saying , buy at corrections and book at recovery . if u r worried on your positions better to hedge that position rather than taking opposite positions .
2) if using fundamentals , news etc then stop looking for rsi or moving averages . ust trade the news and sentiments .
3) if making tukka analysis than u have a wider scope to do anything do what your heart says .
remember one thing news is always BASI in market , it comes to someone else before we get , so if u r selling on accounnt of dubai crisis , remember this news is an old news and someone has already shorted the top , and when we got news and were panic they were buying the bottoms and news comes that dubai government has passed bailout and india has shown a remarkable gdp growth rate which is enought to drive the masses .
see prices : prices have all the informations get it from there , because if even u know the news earlier u can not calculate the exact impact it would cause on market , so it is important to be confident and not to fall in emotions in order to earn anything from market
best of luck :thumb: