Triple your money in 3 months

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Active Member
nice work friend. i want to know what is the strategy you follow to enter exit and sl, and what charting you use. please share these and chart images of trades if you have
Thanks.. i am a price action trader ,but use Dow theory , trendlines, patterns , to time my entries . I dont have a fixed exit , i keep on trailing the price and am in the trade as long as the trend lasts . Also key to my method is pyramidding my positions as the trend continues.


Well-Known Member
@Rohitsx. Today is the 17 April 2013. Competition could start now as mentioned in post 66 in this thread.

To be realistic: As the starting position would be too much on my side because of the exchange regulations from your exchange and the exchange I trade on, the competition would not be fair atoll.

To explain it in details: First advantage I have is that I am offered options on any kind of future (Currencies, Softs, Grains, Metals, Indices, Energy, Meats, Bonds) which you not could counter as this sadly is not the case with NSE. The second advantage I have are the margin rules which take in account any hedge I do, so I can bring my self always in a situation to trade with absolute low margin. That brings me into a situation that I easily can use more money for trading, means more trades are placed in different markets and as more trades go well, as more the account explodes. You on the other side stand there with bound hands because the moment you go short your broker locks a big amount only for margins. So, absolute unfair competition.

Means: No competition because of that reasons. Even than to give you my support I want to tell you that: From my experience, YES you can triple your money in three months under the right circumstances and when the amount you have to invest is not too big. As bigger as you get, as more you have to split your investment and as more diversify you have to do it.

So please move on with your thread with the knowledge: Yes it can be done. :)

Good trading / DanPickUp
@Rohitsx. Today is the 17 April 2013. Competition could start now as mentioned in post 66 in this thread.

To be realistic: As the starting position would be too much on my side because of the exchange regulations from your exchange and the exchange I trade on, the competition would not be fair atoll.

To explain it in details: First advantage I have is that I am offered options on any kind of future (Currencies, Softs, Grains, Metals, Indices, Energy, Meats, Bonds) which you not could counter as this sadly is not the case with NSE. The second advantage I have are the margin rules which take in account any hedge I do, so I can bring my self always in a situation to trade with absolute low margin. That brings me into a situation that I easily can use more money for trading, means more trades are placed in different markets and as more trades go well, as more the account explodes. You on the other side stand there with bound hands because the moment you go short your broker locks a big amount only for margins. So, absolute unfair competition.

Means: No competition because of that reasons. Even than to give you my support I want to tell you that: From my experience, YES you can triple your money in three months under the right circumstances and when the amount you have to invest is not too big. As bigger as you get, as more you have to split your investment and as more diversify you have to do it.

So please move on with your thread with the knowledge: Yes it can be done. :)

Good trading / DanPickUp
Rightly said bro easy to triple small money like 50000-100000 in 3 months. But not easy to big money. We have to diversify.:):thumb:
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