Triple your money in 3 months

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@ rohitsx
Great Courageous Moves.
Suggest us as I and other new comers in detail in another thread.
How to ride.
How to understand market.
Finally make some real money.
satinder, thats the only way.if emotions are affecting you, then it becomes impossible to achieve success in markets. I think i have not yet reached a stage where i start teaching trading to others , but i recommend reading 'Reminiscences of a Stock Operator' , i have picked most of my methods from this book.:thumb:


Well-Known Member
satinder, thats the only way.if emotions are affecting you, then it becomes impossible to achieve success in markets. I think i have not yet reached a stage where i start teaching trading to others , but i recommend reading 'Reminiscences of a Stock Operator' , i have picked most of my methods from this book.:thumb:
Hi Rohit...

really going good..But did Livermore said any strategy in that book? I did not find any thing...Then how come u derived ur methodology from that book?

I am really eager to know how u got ur idea if u please share...

But I must appreciate ur going...


Active Member
Hi Rohit...

really going good..But did Livermore said any strategy in that book? I did not find any thing...Then how come u derived ur methodology from that book?

I am really eager to know how u got ur idea if u please share...

But I must appreciate ur going...
Method in the sence not only entry, but how your overall approach should be while trading . If you recall if livermore had to take a long position he used to sell first to see if prices break a particular level , if prices are not breaking support it means there are buyers in the market and the market is strong.He also talks of using news to guage market strength.

For eq: yesterday copper was forming a triangle pattern, and prices where at lower end of the triangle , at the same time there was news report from US, about new factory orders , which was negative. As soon as the news came ,copper broke support ,but quickly recoverd and then it broke on the upside . Such price behaviour tells about the demand and supply forces in the market , and if you somehow gauge that there is demand then you can safely say that prices will trend higher ,irrespetive of what pattern, resistence , trendline .

you would have also observed how our markets behaved when the entire world was selling off a few days ago - shows demand.

Also livermore tells how imp exits are -He said 'its true that you wont go broke taking small profits , but you wont grow rich either'.

And regarding pyramid he says - Milions would come easier than thousands when you know how to pyramid.

So there are many things in it, you will be able to pick up .
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