Up Coming Free Charting and Tech analysis software

Well, to begin with it will be written solely in JAVA, though i am a c++ programmer in my day job. I am putting this effort because i have a good knowledge of institutional flows. I want to understand how retail customers behave. Long term intention is to make money by starting something of my own but i really don't care since i make a lot in my day job ;).


Active Member
Hi Ramneek,

Here are few inputs, may be you find it worth. These are the few things I take care for my Day Trades and Swing Trades. I have been using these charts available on BSE.

Analysis for Intraday:

Pre market opening analysis
Candlestick pattern for last 1month to pick a stock
1 month, 15 days and weekly gains of stock in terms of %.
1 weeks highs and lows alongwith volumes and average price.

Gap up Analysis (At market opening stage) along with Trading Volumes as compared to last 10days average volumes

Price-Volume Analysis: High Volumes (i.e trades) at high price, signfies futher upward movement and High Volumes at low price means downward movement. This is actually the most important part as this would tell when to enter the stock and when to exit the stock.

Analysis for Swing Trades:

Candlestick pattern for last 1month to pick a stock
1 month, 15 days and last weeks gains of stock in terms of %.

Bollinger Bands: defines upper and lower limits within which stock price is expected to move depending upon the market volatility. I find it 98% accurate.

Price Rate of Change: To analyse overbought and oversold conditions.

These are few of the TA practically used by me since last 6 months and have been working well.

Should you need any information on above or any other kind of analysis, please let me know.

All the Best :)

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