Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


Well-Known Member
All my trades are 100% SL-M . I missed a profit making trade and that is when I realized about this policy update. Its hard to convince myself that a discussion is going on such a silly thing that should not even exist in the trading world. It is a one-step backward and suggestions like "use limit orders" from a discount broker where maximum clients probably are intraday traders is :confused::confused::confused::rofl:
This is my last request to RKSV to rollback this. Everybody has a choice.
I made my choice and moved all my trading out from RKSV to another broker till this is resolved. It took me a decade and huge losses to finally start making profits, and such policies cannot stand my way.


Well-Known Member
I too have to move if this does't resolved soon.
You wont believe but i have had losses on 3 days due to this policy (my trading style and strategy needs SL-M). Who cares about the brand when it does not work in one's favor. People have been helping RKSV find upstox issues, suggest new features, maintain patience while they deliver at slow pace, do not update existing trading software and this is what we get in return. I have 3 referrals (Although 2 do not reflect in my referral account) for RKSV. Not anymore.
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Well-Known Member
You wont believe but i had 35k loss on 3 days due to this policy. Who cares about the brand when it does not work in one's favor. People have been helping RKSV find upstox issues, suggest new features, maintain patience while they deliver at slow pace, do not update existing trading software and this is what we get in return. I have 3 referrals (Although 2 do not reflect in my referral account) for RKSV. Not anymore.
I am also surprised that why this policy is not being reviewed by RKSV. Many advanced traders will need this indispensably.


Well-Known Member
In NEST I recently saw a change related to SL-M orders. Earlier if the LTP was above my SL-M then the order went through which was good. Now NEST is blocking those orders if LTP moves above SL-M "Rejected Reason: RMS: Resule Check Trigger Price vs LTP for SL-M orders"
Why the blocking of trades? SL-M is my default setting in NEST and I rarely look in the NEST logs whether my trade was rejected. Earlier working was fine. The new NEST version 3.11.4 allows to place orders even if LTP is above SL-M (checked with other broker account)
Hi gansal,

Due to a change in RMS policy we have blocked SL-M if the trigger price placed is lesser than LTP on buy side with immediate effect.
What this discussion is all about, have I missed some critical development?

Can someone pls explain it in few simple lines.

The above two posts are related to the matter of RKSV new RMS on SL-M order.


Humbled by Markets
Any chance of getting tax compliant reports soon? RKSV is running away from this question.


Well-Known Member
@RKSV, I would like to trade the below crude chart which is from Amibroker. Is there an option to connect your system to Amibroker and trade the same as per formula while I watch ?

Hi Raj232,

We are rolling out a new feature in PRO web version of Upstox. It will provide support to integrate Amibroker with Upstox.

This is expected in the next two week :thumb:

Thank you.. hoping to see it soon .. 2 weeks .. 15th June yay !!! :clap::clap::clap:
@RKSV : Hope the 2 week target of 15th June is in sight :thumb: