Want to learn Options Trading

I went through every thread related to options. It is heartening to see that people put their time to answer various queries. Indeed very useful .

I had tough time getting stock charts. The chart service avilable with most of the service is pathetic . Used FCharts to build charts . I got the FChart idea from this site. I must be thankful for all.

We still dont have professional sites like yahoo finance which provides very useful information for a US stock in a single screen, data such as EPS estimate ,option data. Until then we have to depend on the pathetic NSE website.

I am new to options!!!....Help needed....Would like to know on excerising an option should I need a whole cash in my account.

say for example: spot price IVRCL 340

I am buying IVRCL-350-dec-ca is 5. ie. 5 x 1 lot = 5000 premiun. spot price for IVRCL went to 385 and premium of IVRCL-350 now is 20. I would like to excercise the option, I am not interested to take delivery of the shares. Should I need 3,50,000 in my account to excerise this option or 35000 - 5000 (premium) = 30000 or 35000 - (20000 - 5000) = 20000 gets credited in my account...(as like daytrading....).
Hi Nandu,
Excercising an option means: taking delivery of the underlying stock. You do not want to excercise.
You bought IVRCL call for Rs.5; now its price has increased to Rs.20. All you need to do is sell IVRCL call and pocket Rs.15 in profit. I don't know how Indian options are priced. In U.S. market you will pay $500 (5*100) and collect $2000 (20*100) for a profit of $1500 for each option you bought.
Hope it helps.
I am a new member in this forum. As an active day trader, I trade frequently. Now I want to trade options in intraday(30 or 60 min. chart) but can't understand which indicators to be used. Can anybody help me?

This is very useful method.....
Try two days low sell ... &.... Two days high buy nifty... Target 100 points each trade....backtest the results...work hard... Atleast 4 hours a day......try options..the only way to earn ..... Do paper work first then trade..cofirm result first....... And publish...
Hi karuna,
I too share the same feelings. You have atleast traded in options from past 7 months but till date I have traded only in futures stocks/index and cash. I really donot know how to go about options. If we find anything useful let us share and learn together.
Bye, :)
Hallow friends Karuna & Usha!
no stratagy can be applied in markets. market moves are sum of reactions of traders. but it should not be forgotten that a precise prediction of future movement of the script only can put profits in your hands. by the way we shall discuss later. i am also actively studying option matters and at present stage i am unable to calculate/decide reasonable amount of premiums on the underlaying scripts.
dear Karuna
I must be the youngest baby of options as only yesterday i did my first options trade of hindlever 240call sep at Rs7.60. is it good price and my broker india infoline charged 3.25% brokerage(Rs0.2476) is it the right brokerage?
I am also equally ken in looking for like minded people to sahre the lessons on options trading
Brokerage in Indiainfoline is 12 per lot.............:thumb:
profits does not make youa successful trader,it losses that makes you studious, forces you to look back at your mistakes,.dont repent your losses,forget that,try to accumulate all your experience,and see what went wrong and why,. remeber no one becomes successful without failures. it is rule of stock market ,first it gives you ,later it takes from you whatever it has given to you,if despite this you stay in market,you will start reaping profits.
remeber every day is a new day,every strategy is a flaw.it experience that matters.
U R Right:clapping:

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