Wealth Creation


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How do you think about money?
Source: Internet

When you think about money, is it about how much of it you lack, or how much you can manifest? And why you want to manifest it.
Most poor people spend all their time thinking about money. Or more specifically, their lack of it. When I was younger and broke, that is what I did. I was fixated on money all the time. I thought about all the things I didn't have and couldn't get. And I was very jealous of the people who had them.

Know where that led to?

Jealousy soon turned to hate. Soon I hated all rich people because they had what I wanted.Nice homes. Exotic cars. Expensive clothes. They could go to a restaurant and order what they really wanted. And not worry about who would pick up the check.That's when the real problems started . .

Because I hated rich people. But I was working hard every day trying to become one. So that set the stage for a whole bunch of internal conflict that I had no idea was going on.So I would surge forward to success-only to sabotage myself every time I got close. I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory more times than I can count.

I thought I was programmed for success, but that wasn't true. I was programmed for poverty, but acting for success.The symptoms are always there, if you know what to look for . . .

Decisions are made not on what the possible benefits are - but in order to avoid a possible negative outcome.Now the question for a lot of people is, "How do I really know what kind of programming I have?"They want to know if they really have success programming, or just success surface actions. The answer is in the questions above.If you make decisions-particularly money and career ones-based on the moving away from fear model- you've got poverty programming.If you make decisions on a positive, move toward good model, then you have true success programming.

So what do you do if you test poverty programming?

Well you're already doing it. Of particular importance is regulating the influence you're getting from the TV shows and movies you watch, books you read, etc.And the other area is the people who are closest to you. Your "Sacred Circle" of the five people you are the closest to. It's crucial to your success that you have some positive people in the five to support you.
One of the biggest factors in your prosperity is the people that you associate with. Of particular note is your Sacred Circle. These are the five people that you are the closest to.I believe that the people you allow to make up this group are so instrumental to your prosperity consciousness, that they truly become sacred to your prosperity path. They color your goals, expectations, and what you believe is capable and possible for you.

Be honest with yourself, would you describe what you now have as a Sacred Circle, or a "Rancid Ring?" Who are the five people in the group closest to you now?Can you think of two or three new people that you currently know, that you can activelywork at developing a deeper relationship, and bring into your circle?


Well-Known Member
I do not know how many of us read the business magazines like Business India, Business World, Business Today, Economic and Political weekly. These help in understanding the business and knowing how economy is doing and which sector and companies are doing well in that .If we dont want to buy these magazines,join a good library nearby and read all these.

Must read for all traders....we must raise above "bought here and sold there" and see the bigger picture for wealth creation as wealth creation needs time in investments than timing the investments.....for buying and selling in trading we have our systems but these information greatly helps in building wealth through investments.

Do we all read financial newspapers atleast ?? Start with reading atleast one financial newspaper.

Amit sir, I want to invest Rs.10 lakhs in stocks for a period of 8-10 years....After doing some research....I shortlisted 3 categories, Banks, Pharma, FMCG...My stock picks are HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, City Union Bank; Sun Pharma, Lupin, Torrent Pharma; Dabur, Godrej Consumer Products, Asian Paints, Havells. I picked these stocks on the basis that they gave at least 30% returns per year in the 5 and 10 years periods respectively. Request you opinion on this portfolio....addition/deletion/modification of stocks welcome....thank you...
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Well-Known Member
Amit sir, I want to invest Rs.10 lakhs in stocks for a period of 8-10 years....After doing some research....I shortlisted 3 categories, Banks, Pharma, FMCG...My stock picks are HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, City Union Bank; Sun Pharma, Lupin, Torrent Pharma; Dabur, Godrej Consumer Products, Asian Paints, Havells. I picked these stocks on the basis that they gave at least 30% returns per year in the 5 and 10 years periods respectively. Request you opinion on this portfolio....addition/deletion/modification of stocks welcome....thank you...

8-10 years is a really long period to predict/analyse about stocks.You need to continuously review your portfolio,add winners and delete loosers.

Sometimes stocks trade in ranges for months,years before they breakout.There is no way to identify the time period when any stock breaks out and what returns it will give.

Also please beware that past returns are no assurance of a future performance.Many yesterday laggards are today's heroes many yesterday heroes are non performing today.

Stocks keep on performing and under-performing the market.It is difficult to time the market.That is the game of the Stock market.


Active Member
Amit sir, I want to invest Rs.10 lakhs in stocks for a period of 8-10 years....After doing some research....I shortlisted 3 categories, Banks, Pharma, FMCG...My stock picks are HDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, City Union Bank; Sun Pharma, Lupin, Torrent Pharma; Dabur, Godrej Consumer Products, Asian Paints, Havells. I picked these stocks on the basis that they gave at least 30% returns per year in the 5 and 10 years periods respectively. Request you opinion on this portfolio....addition/deletion/modification of stocks welcome....thank you...
Stock Market designed itself to make everybody fool....

I feel 8-10 year period is too long.......keep 2 or 3 year...Moreover...wait for big correction...it may happen very soon.

ITC you may consider.....

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