Wealth Creation


Well-Known Member
60 Stock Tips For Investment Success:

  • As a new investor, be prepared to take some small losses.
  • Always cut your losses at 8% below your purchase price.
  • Persistence is key when learning to invest. Don’t get discouraged.
  • Learning to invest doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to become successful at it.
  • When getting started, it is important that you pick the right full service or discount brokerage. If you use a broker, make sure he or she has a good track record.
  • As a beginner, set up a cash account, not a margin account.
  • It only takes $500 to $1,000 to get started. Experience is a great teacher.
  • Avoid more volatile types of investments, such as futures, options, and foreign stocks.
  • Concentrate on a few, high-quality stocks. There’s no need to own twenty or more stocks.
  • Don’t get emotionally involved with your stocks. Follow a set of buying and selling rules, and don’t let your emotions change your mind
  • Don’t buy a stock under $15 a share. The best companies that are leaders in their fields simply do not come at $5 or $10 per share.
  • Learning from the best stock market winners can guide you to tomorrow’s leaders.
  • Always do a post-analysis of your stock market trades so that you can learn from your successes and mistakes.
  • A combination of fundamental and technical investment styles is essential to picking winning stocks.
  • Fundamental analysis looks at a company’s earnings, earnings growth, sales, profit margins, and return on equity among other things. It helps narrow down your choices so that you are only dealing with quality stocks.
  • Technical analysis involves learning to read a stock’s price and volume chart and timing your decisions properly.
  • To make big money, you have got to buy the very best companies at the right time.
  • Strong sales and earnings are amongst the most important characteristics of winning stocks.
  • Buying a stock as it is coming out of a price consolidation area or base is crucial to making large gains.
  • Always pick stocks from the leading industry groups or sectors. The majority of past market leaders were in the top industry groups and sectors.
  • Many big winning stocks come from sectors such as drugs and medical, computers, communications technology, software, specialty retail, and leisure and entertainment.
  • Volume is the actual number of shares traded by a stock
  • Stocks never go up by accident. There must be large buying, typically from big investors such as mutual funds and pension funds.
  • In studying the greatest stock market winners over the past 45 years, bases formed just before the stock broke out into new high ground in price and then went on to make their biggest gains.
  • The most common pattern is a “cup with handle” names so because it resembles a coffee cup when viewed from the side.
  • The optimal buying point of any stock is the “pivot point”.
  • On the day a stock breaks out, volume should increase by 50% or more above its average.
  • A decrease in price on decreased volume indicates no significant selling.
  • Replace the old adage, “buy low and sell high” with “buy high and sell a lot higher.”
  • You want to buy a stock at its pivot point. Don’t chase a stock up more than 5% past its pivot.
  • Chart price and volume action frequently can help you recognize when a stock has reached its top and should be sold.
  • History always repeats itself in the stock market.
  • Most big stock market leaders breaking out of a sound base will go up 20% in eight weeks or less from the pivot point. Never sell a stock that does this in four weeks or less, you may have a big winner.
  • The general market is represented by leading market indices like the S&P500, Dow Jones Industrials, and the NASDAQ Composite. Tracking the general market is key because most stocks follow the trend of the general market.
  • Ignore personal opinions about the market.
  • A typical bear market will decline 20% to 25% from its peak price. A negative political or economic environment could cause a more severe decline.
  • Knowing when to both buy a sell a stock is key for success.
  • three out of four stocks , regardless of how “good’ will eventually follow the trend of the overall market.
  • After four or five days of distribution within a two to three week period, the general market will normally trend downwards.
  • Bear markets create fear and uncertainty. When stocks hit bottom and turn up to begin the next bull market loaded with opportunities, most people simply don’t believe it.
  • At some point on the way down, the indices will attempt to rebound or rally. A rally is an attempt by a stock or the general market to turn up and advance in price after a period of decline.
  • Most technical market indicators are of little value. Psychological indicators like the Put-Call ratio can help confirm changes in the market’s direction.
  • Once you determine you are operating in an uptrending general market, you need to pick superior stocks.
  • Potential winners will have strong earnings and sales growth, increasing profit margins and high return on equity (17% or more). They should also be in a leading industry group.
  • Using a chart service can help you determine if the timing is right to buy a stock.
  • There are two basic types of investors: growth stock investors and value investors.
  • Growth investors seek companies with strong earnings and sals growth, superior profit margins, and a return on equity of over 17%.
  • Value investors search for stocks that are undervalued and have low P/E ratios.
  • When starting to invest, keep it simple. Only invest in domestic stocks or mutual funds. (Education on Fund Loads Scams and Mutual Fund Fees are necessary before investing. Consider ETF investing as an alternative)
  • You get what you pay for in the market. Low-priced stocks are usually cheap for a good reason.
  • Options are risky because investors do not only have to be right about the direction of the stock but also about the time frame in which they believe the price will go up or down.
  • Futures, due to their highly speculative nature, should be attempted only be people with several years of successful investment experience.
  • Wide diversification and asset allocation are not necessary. Concentrate your eggs in fewer basket, know them well and watch them carefully.
  • If you have less than $5,000 to invest, only own one or two stocks. If you have $10,000-two or three stocks; $25,000-three or four stocks; $50,000-four or five stocks; and, $100,000 or more-own no more than six stocks.
  • If you already own the maximum number of stocks buy want to add a new stock to your portfolio, force yourself to sell the least profitable stock to get money for the new name.
  • When purchasing a stock, only buy half of your desired position at the initial buy point. Buy a small amount more if the price rises 2% or 3% above your first buy. Average up in price, never down.
  • Don’t let yourself lose money after you already had a reasonable profit.
  • 40% of stocks will pull back to their initial buy point-sometimes on big volume- for one or two days. Don’t let this shake you out of your stock.
  • Sell a stock if its earnings per share shows a major deceleration in growth for two quarters in a row.


Well-Known Member
Just Dial was an endorsement deal; someone said invest in the stock, so I did: Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan touches upon his investment in Just Dial. The company had signed up Big B as its brand ambassador in Dec '10. Big B was allotted 62,794 shares at a price of Rs 10 each in 2011 amounting to Rs 6.27 lakh. At Wednesday's close, the same valued at Rs 7.26 crore. Excerpts:

Read more at:
Just Dial was an endorsement deal; someone said invest in the stock, so I did: Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan touches upon his investment in Just Dial. The company had signed up Big B as its brand ambassador in Dec '10. Big B was allotted 62,794 shares at a price of Rs 10 each in 2011 amounting to Rs 6.27 lakh. At Wednesday's close, the same valued at Rs 7.26 crore. Excerpts:

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Need an ED probe into this, whether it was a sweet deal :)


Well-Known Member
Saving of 30 Rs a day Can make you a Crorepati


If you are now 20 years old , then just by saving 30 Rs a day you will be a crorepati by the age of 60 . You have to save 30 Rs daily and at the end of the month you will have 30 x 30 = 900 Rs . Invest this 900 per month regularly for the next 40 years in any diversified mutual fund through SIP(systematic investment plan ) . Now the power of compounding will work for you.

Let us understand it with an example and a set of assumptions. Assumptions are as follows:

Mr. X is 20 years old
He accumulated 30 Rs per day monthly for 40 years
At the end of every month he invest the daily saving( Rs 900 appx. ) in a diversified mutual fund.
Mutual fund gives a return of 12.5% p.a.,
If Mr. X continues this process for 40 years, he will become a crorepati if all the assumptions mentioned hold good.


This opportunity is available to even older people. However, they have to forgo some other consumption though in small quantity only. As a 30 years old person, you need to save Rs. 95 daily. As the age progresses, the savings required increases naturally. So, what do you need to achieve the target of Rs. 1 crore.? Just 30 Rs everyday.

Can it be more faster ?

Now you must be wondering 40 years is a big time period can it be less than that ? Its defiantly going to be less than that, 12% is the average return rate if your mutual fund is good and gives you around 15% then it will take 35 years that is 5 years less. Is it possible to make it less than 35 years ? Yes it is , if you choose the dividend reinvest option in your mutual fund investment.

In dividend reinvest option whatever the divided you earn it gets reinvested, and your investment amount keep on increasing and also the returns. Depending up on the type of mutual fund you can get 2-6% dividend per annum. Dividend purely depends on the type of the mutual fund and the stocks that mutual fund is holding. I have selected the dividend reinvest option because of which the investment amount is increasing every year without anything going out from my pocket. Because of the dividend reinvest option your investment amount will keep growing and also the returns as money earns money. With this your crorepati target could be achieved in 25- 30 years. And instead diversified mutual fund if you go with small or midcap funds it could be less than 25-30 years. But remember that mid and small cap stocks have more risk. They are high risk high return kind of stocks. Your returns could be faster and better and could also be lesser.


Active Member
3) Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.

I hear these losers all the time, “if I could just win the lottery. If I could just get a chance. If my big break would come in” and blah blah blah. I don’t expect anything to be given to me. If I want it you can be damn sure I’ll go and get it.

Play your stupid lottery, sit on your stupid couch in front of your stupid tv, and make your stupid excuses. Someone else is out there kicking ass and taking what is rightfully his.

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