Wealth Creation


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16 Financial Resolutions for 2016

Here are 16 financial resolutions to help make 2016 healthy, happy, and successful:

1. Create emergency savings
Life is full of unexpected emergencies, and some extra cash can help a serious illness, home repair, or other sudden financial need from derailing your finances. Prepare for unpredictable expenses by putting aside six to eight months of expenses in an easily accessible cash-equivalent account.

2. Make a monthly budget and stick to it
Budgets may sound like a lot of unnecessary work, especially if you’re financially comfortable, but it’s quite easy to let your spending go off the rails if you’re not tracking it in some way. Set a budget and work on sticking to it for a couple of months. Don’t aim for perfection; instead, try for incremental improvement.

3. Save more for the future
Are you on track for retirement and other goals? Most Americans could stand to put more money away for the future. We recommend keeping separate “buckets” of savings for short-, medium-, and long-term goals and leveraging tax-advantaged accounts where possible. Let us know if you’d like help saving for specific goals so that we can help ensure you have the right strategy for your needs and timeline.

4. Make retirement plan contributions regularly (instead of all at once)
We believe that “time in the market” is critical to long-term investing success. Instead of waiting until the last minute to make your annual contributions, give your money more time to grow by making automatic contributions to your accounts every month.
5. Maximize your retirement plan contributions
Tax-managed retirement accounts are one the most powerful ways to save for a more comfortable retirement. Make the most of them by contributing as much as you can each tax year. We usually recommend maxing out employer-sponsored plans first to take advantage of any matching contributions your employer may offer. Give us a call if you need help understanding your retirement account options.

6. Pay down high-interest debt
High-interest debt can make it very hard to get ahead financially. If you’re carrying a lot of debt, make paying it down a priority. Contact us for help managing expenses and getting on top of your debt.

7. Set goals for the future and work with a professional to help you achieve them
In our experience, people who set goals for themselves and create strategies to pursue them are much more likely to see success.3 One study found that investors who leveraged specific financial strategies saw greater long-term financial success. Sit down with your loved ones to discuss your financial goals; when you’re ready to discuss your thoughts, call our office to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

8. Create a powerful legacy for the world
We believe that a rich life is about more than financial success and a comfortable lifestyle. Whether you want to leave something to your loved ones, or contribute to causes close to your heart, take some time to think about the legacy you will leave for the future.

9. Review your estate planning and legal documents
Your core legal documents should be regularly reviewed to make sure that they keep up with your life. If it’s been a few years since you took a look at your documents, dust them off and make sure that they still represent your wishes.

10. Review the beneficiaries of your financial accounts and insurance policies
When is the last time you updated your beneficiaries? Since beneficiary provisions are independent of your will or other estate provisions, it’s critical to keep them current. Contact us for assistance with gathering account documents and making needed updates.

11. Stay on top of your health
Healthcare is a major expense for most Americans, especially when serious illness strikes. Take steps to protect your health (and your wallet) by building a healthy lifestyle and being proactive about preventative care.

12. Protect your credit and identity
Identity theft and financial fraud are serious threats that can compromise your financial wellbeing. Protect yourself by reviewing financial statements and bills carefully for unauthorized activity. Check your credit report for free each year at www.annualcreditreport.com.

13. Review your tax strategies for potential savings
Recent changes to tax laws mean that your tax burden may have increased. Give us a call to discuss tax strategies that may help you reduce your tax burden.

14. Involve your loved ones in your finances
If you (or your spouse) don’t get involved in the family finances, it’s time to start. Work together to make financial decisions and make sure that each of you understands the overall game plan for your finances. At minimum, make sure that your loved ones know how to access financial accounts and understand your wishes.

15. Identify your goals for 2016
What do you want to accomplish in 2016? Whether you want to get a raise, go on a wonderful vacation, or spend more time with your family, take a moment now to write them down.

16. Keep your resolutions!
One study found that people keep just 8% of the New Year’s resolutions they make.4 Improve the chances that you will keep your resolutions by making your goals simple, concrete, and actionable. Instead of saying: “I will save more for the future in 2016,” say: “I will contribute $4,500 to my retirement accounts by December 31, 2016” or “I will pay off $2,000 of credit card debt by April 15.”
One of the growth stocks identified in 2015 on Motilal Oswal Mid to Mega critaria is Bajaj Finance for next 4-5 years.

As a backtest I did some analysis on previous winners and the year in which they were identified as per the critaria.They are as under :

Lupin in 2004

Asian Paints in 2004

Nestle in 2004

HPCL in 2008

Shriram Transport in 2009

Divi's Lab in 2011

Glenmark in 2012

Bajaj Finserve in 2012

Shree cements in 2012

Eitcher Motors in 2013

Though this is a hindsight analysis, it proves the principles of identifying growth stocks. All the above were identified in a run done on December last week each year and the stocks have shown 30-100 % CAGR growth after they were identified.



Well-Known Member
Financial cheat-sheet on one piece of paper


One of the all-time best pieces of personal finance advice got its start purely by chance. Back in 2013, Harold Pollack, a University of Chicago public policy professor, was conducting an online video interview with Helaine Olen, author of Pound Foolish, a book about the financial advice industry. To make the point that Wall Street advice is overly complicated, Pollack grabbed an index card and jotted down nine basic financial rules that he and his wife had been living by. It was all you needed to know.

Pollack posted the card on his blog, and it quickly went viral, garnering hundreds of thousands of hits. Noted academics and pundits tweeted it out. Media outlets, including the Washington Post and Money, wrote stories about it.

Now that single card has morphed into a 240-page book, “The Index Card,” co-written by Pollack and Olen. Even though it’s a bit thicker than an index card, it’s still easy to read and full of helpful tips.


Well-Known Member

If you are a young, small investor, you will get rich in the long run. You need to be dedicated to your investing. No mistakes are permitted. No capital loss at all. Just a regular monthly investing in a good fund. If you are pulled across 3-5 funds and cannot decide do something simple. Invest in an index fund. No looking back. Sign up with a fund house that allows you to increase the amounts AUTOMATICALLY on a yearly basis. Icici Prudential asset management company allows you to do that. So say you are 24 years of age and can do a SIP of just Rs. 1500 per month. Sign up for that amount and increase it by Rs. 1000 every year. So by the time you are 34 years of age you will be investing Rs. 11,500 per month. What does this guarantee? Well it guarantees one thing – YOU WILL NOT MAKE A LOSS. Believe me, in the game called compounding, this is a very very important part of compounding.

So do the following:

  • Work on eliminating the subtractions, or reduce the subtractions to an insignificant level (no touching balls outside off stump)
  • Make sure all investments / risks do not disturb financial life / family / social life.
  • Maintain good health, and adequate health insurance -as appropriate
  • Deal with red flags as soon as they appear
  • Avoid chances that will leave a bitter taste for a longer period
  • Take up a sport but be careful
  • Be clean, especially if you are a government servant, NaMo is serious about bribery.
So get rich, not by additions, but by eliminating the subtraction.

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